I'm debating to get either a lab (black or yellow) or a Basset Hound?

We have 2 dogs already and used to have a Basset Hound, I love Basset Hounds because of their personality & I'm going to start duck hunting and I would also like something a bit more active so I'd also like a lab. We live in a VERY rural area with about…

    I'm debating to get either a lab (black or yellow) or a Basset Hound?

    We have 2 dogs already and used to have a Basset Hound, I love Basset Hounds because of their personality & I'm going to start duck hunting and I would also like something a bit more active so I'd also like a lab. We live in a VERY rural area with about…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : I'm debating to get either a lab (black or yellow) or a Basset Hound?...

    • I'm debating to get either a lab (black or yellow) or a Basset Hound?

      I'm debating to get either a lab (black or yellow) or a Basset Hound? Dog Breed Discussions
      We have 2 dogs already and used to have a Basset Hound, I love Basset Hounds because of their personality & I'm going to start duck hunting and I would also like something a bit more active so I'd also like a lab. We live in a VERY rural area with about 30 acres and dog houses. Got any input?

      I'm debating to get either a lab (black or yellow) or a Basset Hound?

      I'm debating to get either a lab (black or yellow) or a Basset Hound? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Dogsindanger.com depending on where you live you can get a dog for a fraction of the price. There are many labs and beagles on there but unfortunatly some hunting dogs have been abused and or neglected or starved to make them a better hunting dogs. Some also have been dumped off somewhere. These poor creatures need love and companionship and a good home as well.

    • Lab for an outside dog, way superior genetics, although more rambunctious. Basset for an inside dog, or just for the "hush-puppy-dum-de-do" affectionate cute dog.... Sounds like you would love them both.

    • I really, really love hounds, however, I wouldn't trust a hound dog (of any breed) off-leash in an unfenced rural area. They tend to follow their nose and ignore everything else around them when they're following a scent. A Lab would be a higher-energy dog and would require far more exercise, but also quite a bit more trainable, and less likely to run off never to be seen again. One thing that might make the difference is if your house is 2 stories, or if there are lots of stairs that the dog would have to walk up and down daily. Basset's body shape leaves them prone to certain types of injuries, and walking up and down stairs is really bad for their backs and joints.