How can i take off the dry drool buildup from the edge of a basset hound's ears...?

I have a basset hound and i bathe him regularly, but he has a build up off his drool that is pretty much caked on the edge of his ears. If I try to just take it off, it will take off hair and some skin... any way to take off that crud with out having to…

    How can i take off the dry drool buildup from the edge of a basset hound's ears...?

    I have a basset hound and i bathe him regularly, but he has a build up off his drool that is pretty much caked on the edge of his ears. If I try to just take it off, it will take off hair and some skin... any way to take off that crud with out having to…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can i take off the dry drool buildup from the edge of a basset hound's ears...?...

    • How can i take off the dry drool buildup from the edge of a basset hound's ears...?

      How can i take off the dry drool buildup from the edge of a basset hound's ears...? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a basset hound and i bathe him regularly, but he has a build up off his drool that is pretty much caked on the edge of his ears. If I try to just take it off, it will take off hair and some skin... any way to take off that crud with out having to hurt him...?

      How can i take off the dry drool buildup from the edge of a basset hound's ears...?

      How can i take off the dry drool buildup from the edge of a basset hound's ears...? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Basset hounds are known 'droolers' so you have to bear on this one characteristic of your dog. Just try to clean it up by swabbing a clean piece of cloth or cotton with water. drooling is something that's genetic to this breed.