Basset Hound Question, How would I make him fat?

So, I just received a "skinny and thin looking" Basset Hound and I'd be happy if he was fat but since his ex-master really didn't "care" or just left him. How would I make him fat? What kind of dog food should I buy? Well, I have a beagle hound but she's…

    Basset Hound Question, How would I make him fat?

    So, I just received a "skinny and thin looking" Basset Hound and I'd be happy if he was fat but since his ex-master really didn't "care" or just left him. How would I make him fat? What kind of dog food should I buy? Well, I have a beagle hound but she's…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Basset Hound Question, How would I make him fat?...

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    • Basset Hound Question, How would I make him fat?

      Basset Hound Question, How would I make him fat? Dog Breed Discussions
      So, I just received a "skinny and thin looking" Basset Hound and I'd be happy if he was fat but since his ex-master really didn't "care" or just left him. How would I make him fat? What kind of dog food should I buy? Well, I have a beagle hound but she's okay, and I really pity the Basset Hound. :( help?

      Basset Hound Question, How would I make him fat?

      Basset Hound Question, How would I make him fat? Dog Breed Discussions
    • First of all, you don't want a fat Basset. I can understand wanting to put some weight on a scarily thin dog, but being overweight causes problems. That said, make satin balls. Here's a recipe:

    • Basset hounds are VERRRY easily overfed, and can become overweight. A fat basset is not a pretty basset. Here are some excellent foods, their websites are attached! :)I own a basset hound and a beagle as well. Cloe Basset & Samantha Bean :)

    • You don't want to add too much weight at once. A fat bassett is as unhealthy as a skinny one! I would suggest feeding the recommended amount from the brand of dog food you use, or asking the vet for his opinion.If you feel sorry for the dog, your 'first-born' will feel it and there will be static between them. Try to treat them the same!

    • You could feed puppy kibble until he puts on some weight, it will have more nutrition than regular dog food. I would give him an egg every day. Of course when he gets in better shape, you should cut down on the food, Bassets are usually easy keepers, and do not require a lot of food. Also wormy dogs look skinny, so you might want to worm him or take a stool sample to the vet. He probably hasn't had a heart worm test, so I would get one. If he was mine I would worm him with strongid, or if the heart worm test was negative I would give him Ivermec.

    • Bassets are heavy set, but shouldn't become overweight. Feed the dog a proper diet. I have a basset hound as well-and you can find her on my youtube site- my name is firelovelightBeing overweight can cause alot of problems-disc probs, and such. They get in a lot f pain.Don't worry, I never had a typical hound-she couldnt even howl lol.

    • I have a basset hound too! My basset hound is skinny and looking too. I believe it is better for their health actually. I guess you could feed her 2 times a day and human food too.