Is a basset hound a good dog to have around kids?

I've always wanted a basset hound. I have a 3 year old and i want to get other peoples opinions.

    Is a basset hound a good dog to have around kids?

    I've always wanted a basset hound. I have a 3 year old and i want to get other peoples opinions....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is a basset hound a good dog to have around kids?...

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    • Is a basset hound a good dog to have around kids?

      Is a basset hound a good dog to have around kids? Dog Breed Discussions
      I've always wanted a basset hound. I have a 3 year old and i want to get other peoples opinions.

      Is a basset hound a good dog to have around kids?

      Is a basset hound a good dog to have around kids? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I have a bassat hound/beagle. He's great around kids. Bassat Hounds are hard to train, but they're playful. The great thing is that most of them don't care what you do to them. I rub my dog's face with my foot and he enjoys it. It's quite funny. Not to mention that they have big ears and big snouts that you can just laugh at. They're also funny.

    • my dog is part basset and Lhasa hes wonderful with kids bassets have a very good nature. mine is real old now so he grunts at the kids a little if they bug to much but that's it he would never bite.

    • If you raise the dog around the child it will be good around kids. Older dogs is where you need to watch out for problems. Always ask questions about the dog before you get from the person you are getting the dog from.

    • Our family adopted our Basset, Henry, almost 2 years ago now and we love him! The best things about owning a Basset-Our girls were 15 months and 3 1/2 years when Henry joined our family. I was concerned that he might overwhelm/knock over my youngest, but that was never a problem. He is extremely mellow and lets the kids do all sorts of annoying stuff to him (pull his tail, put hats on him, etc.) I have NEVER seen Henry snap or even growl, even when the kids kinda had it coming. Our Basset is not yappy, doesn't chew things and is very even tempered. O.k., now the downside of owning a Basset-Henry is not a high energy dog. He may have one or two spurts (5 mins or less each) of playful, romping energy per day. So, if you're looking for a high energy playmate for your kids, a Basset is probably not the best choice.Also, he's a bit of a pig (all Bassets are food-obsessed, or so I'm told), so don't leave anything within reach or *poof* it's gone. This can tick the kids off...My only other beef with Henry is that he's a wanderer, and I've been told that's reletively true of all Bassets. Because his breeding is as a "tracker", when Henry gets out of our fenced in yard (via the gate, he is not a digger), he gets lost in sniffing Heaven and just wanders until someone brings him in. So, you'd probably better have a fence or kennel.I hope that this has helped! Bassets are great dogs and especially good with kids, in our experience. Good Luck! :)

    • My two basset hounds (both 2years old) love kids, people, and other dogs. I have also found that they are as active as I want to be. If I want to laze around the house, they are there with me. If I want to go for a walk, they love that as well.I volunteer for a basset rescue and I have never heard of any incidents between bassets and kids. If you are not looking for a puppy, you may want to look into your states basset rescue. A rescue dog lives with a foster family so you will already know how that dog reacts around young children. Many rescues are already house broken and you will know its tendencies BEFORE it comes into your home. You can go to and click on the Rescue link. This has an alphabetical list of the states and their respective rescues.Good luck on your search for a houndie!!!

    • Usually this breed is WONDERFUL with kids. I've owned a couple, and never had a problem. But Bassets are big dogs, and no dog should ever be left alone with a child that young(for the safety of both, BTW) My neice was 'snapped at' by a Basset and has had three surgeries to fix the damage to her face. I know my neice, I have no doubt it was her "fault", but it would not have happened had she been supervised.

    • I don't think the breed of dog you have around children is as important as the age. Get a puupy when the kids are baies and make sure they interact freely. The dog will pick up your maternal feelings and become a protector as well. I got an 8 week old pup right before my son was born and they were best buds! When they were 2 she had puppies and would let my son sit right in the closet with her and her babies!

    • Basset hounds r great around kids the only draw back about basset hound r all the wrinkles and the long ears get food all over them they have to bathe a lot