My nephew screams thinking my 8 month old Basset Hound is going to bite him what should I do?

My brother and his three boys are staying with me until they find their own house and my Basset Hound is going nuts. The two year old is always running around screaming he going to bite me, and the dog thinks he is unstable and is going to hurt him. My…

    My nephew screams thinking my 8 month old Basset Hound is going to bite him what should I do?

    My brother and his three boys are staying with me until they find their own house and my Basset Hound is going nuts. The two year old is always running around screaming he going to bite me, and the dog thinks he is unstable and is going to hurt him. My…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My nephew screams thinking my 8 month old Basset Hound is going to bite him what should I do?...

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    • My nephew screams thinking my 8 month old Basset Hound is going to bite him what should I do?

      My nephew screams thinking my 8 month old Basset Hound is going to bite him what should I do? Dog Breed Discussions
      My brother and his three boys are staying with me until they find their own house and my Basset Hound is going nuts. The two year old is always running around screaming he going to bite me, and the dog thinks he is unstable and is going to hurt him. My brother gets up tight naturally thinking the dog is going to bite his son, and I am stuck in the middle. My dog has been harmless in the past and has never hurt the baby or anyone else. What do I do in a situation like this?

      My nephew screams thinking my 8 month old Basset Hound is going to bite him what should I do?

      My nephew screams thinking my 8 month old Basset Hound is going to bite him what should I do? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Technically, it's your house. I suggest you sit down with your nephew and brother and explain that the dog is nice and he won't bite. But the screaming is not going to help and will stress your dog out. Have your nephew spend time with the dog each day, feeding him or petting him. At least explain this to your brother and ask him to calm his son down. Once you convince your brother, he can help you deal with your nephew.

    • It's time to TEACH TRUST for both puppy and nephew.Have the puppy sit in your lap on the floor, settled. Have the oldest of the three children sit next to your and puppy and pet the puppy "gently" for a minute. Continue this process with all three. Then start over, if you can, a few times during the day with the youngest only. This way, your puppy and nephew both LEARN how to trust each other. Also, a two year old child is quite capable of helping give the puppy water/food. If you teach/show him that the puppy relies on him, he will feel more of a sense of "control" and alleviate the sense of victimization. Also, if your brother could put the puppy in his lap and allow his youngest son, after being taught how to gently stroke the puppy's head, go through the process this would also help your brother relax too. This is actually and IDEAL situation, puppies/dogs like to play and go for walks and children have a bundle of energy.What a GREAT match.