How do you get a basset hound to stop jumping on the couch?

My basset hound, Buffy, won't stop jumping on the couch!!! Its been a year since we got it and he still won't stop!!!!!!! How do I get him from jumping??????Omg sorry I meant his name is Buddy not Buffy!!

    How do you get a basset hound to stop jumping on the couch?

    My basset hound, Buffy, won't stop jumping on the couch!!! Its been a year since we got it and he still won't stop!!!!!!! How do I get him from jumping??????Omg sorry I meant his name is Buddy not Buffy!!...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do you get a basset hound to stop jumping on the couch?...

    • How do you get a basset hound to stop jumping on the couch?

      How do you get a basset hound to stop jumping on the couch? Dog Breed Discussions
      My basset hound, Buffy, won't stop jumping on the couch!!! Its been a year since we got it and he still won't stop!!!!!!! How do I get him from jumping??????Omg sorry I meant his name is Buddy not Buffy!!

      How do you get a basset hound to stop jumping on the couch?

      How do you get a basset hound to stop jumping on the couch? Dog Breed Discussions
    • When he gets on the couch, literally push him off and say NO in a firm voice. No matter how many times he tries, keep pushing him off. I have an American bulldog and they're known for being very stubborn but this worked on her eventually. You just have to be consistent and do it every single time.