Does a basset hound smell cling the furniture?

I really want a basset hound but the smell you fine people warned me about is turning me off. He won't be allowed on the furniture, but how bad a smell are we talking about? Am I going to have one of those houses I can't stand?Well that's not true, I…

    Does a basset hound smell cling the furniture?

    I really want a basset hound but the smell you fine people warned me about is turning me off. He won't be allowed on the furniture, but how bad a smell are we talking about? Am I going to have one of those houses I can't stand?Well that's not true, I…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Does a basset hound smell cling the furniture?...

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    • Does a basset hound smell cling the furniture?

      Does a basset hound smell cling the furniture? Dog Breed Discussions
      I really want a basset hound but the smell you fine people warned me about is turning me off. He won't be allowed on the furniture, but how bad a smell are we talking about? Am I going to have one of those houses I can't stand?Well that's not true, I always had labs my house never stunk.

      Does a basset hound smell cling the furniture?

      Does a basset hound smell cling the furniture? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Eh my moms isn't allowed on the couch and she cleans regularly and has Saydi go to the groomersher house still smells. I dunno why the have like an over growth of yeast or something. She has medication and special shampoo and still smells.My opinion get a less stinky dog! Our dachshund and English mastiff are inside dogs and our house doesn't smell

    • I does not make any difference what dog you have (and I have one) they unfortunately smell. I was not so aware of it until after I got married. My husband had never had a dog and I immediately noticed the difference. Now my dog is a show dog so he is always super clean and he still smells doggy! We keep ours in the kitchen and out in the yard but you can still smell poor Dudley.My mom let's her dogs on the furniture and yes it hangs in there. So at the end of the day you have to decide what is more important - a basset or an oder free house. Personally I'd take the basset.