Can a male basset hound and a female miniature dachshund breed?

my husband has an outdoor male basset hound, and I have an indoor female miniature dachshund, but sometimes when they are playing outside my male basset gets a little "frisky" my husband says they cant breed because his thing wouldnt fit cause shes so…

    Can a male basset hound and a female miniature dachshund breed?

    my husband has an outdoor male basset hound, and I have an indoor female miniature dachshund, but sometimes when they are playing outside my male basset gets a little "frisky" my husband says they cant breed because his thing wouldnt fit cause shes so…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can a male basset hound and a female miniature dachshund breed?...

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    • Can a male basset hound and a female miniature dachshund breed?

      Can a male basset hound and a female miniature dachshund breed? Dog Breed Discussions
      my husband has an outdoor male basset hound, and I have an indoor female miniature dachshund, but sometimes when they are playing outside my male basset gets a little "frisky" my husband says they cant breed because his thing wouldnt fit cause shes so small has anyone had this happen before?

      Can a male basset hound and a female miniature dachshund breed?

      Can a male basset hound and a female miniature dachshund breed? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Can they? Yes any two intact dogs can breed. But with the size difference the pregnancy might kill your Dachshund.Should they? No! Not with so many unwanted dogs being put down in shelters everyday.You should get them spayed/neutered before they actually do breed and create more unwanted mutts.

    • He has the capabilities. He will make it fit at the expense of your poor dachshund. Get them fixed. It's better than a dead dachshund. Even if she lived, it would be an emmergency spay as she would certaily die from having the puppies.

    • They could breed but it would kill her if she were to get pregnant. Besides that, she has to be in HEAT in order to become pregnant. If the Basset is just humping her, he is showing dominant behavior and that should be stopped immediately by giving him a firm correction every time he does this. If she IS in heat, separate them completely for a full month from the onset of her heat, and have both of them fixed.

    • Of course they can, he's not too big for her.In fact, if she hasn't been spayed, they will do it when she comes into heat. If he hasn't been neutered, she'll get pregnant. You can count on it.

    • Yes, they can breed. Your husband is an idiot. The vagina is elastic and can expand to pass a whole puppy. Of course, when the basset's bulbus glandis becomes engorged, the might tear the female inside and kill her. Even if it doesn't, the pups who took after dad would. Spay the female and/or neuter the male.

    • Well your husband is 100% wrong, his penis would fit. A great dane could impregnate a chihuahua if allowed to do so.But unless you want to bury this little dog, when she has trouble having the pups,I would have her spayed NOW.Small dogs such as a mini Dachshund should NEVER be allowed to mate with something the size of a bassett.

    • Yes, they absolutely can and they will if you let them. I saw a male malamute mate with a pug mix once. Not good. Get them both altered and then you won't have to worry.

    • There are many low cost spay and neuter options, since you are probably one who does not believe in spending much money on your unfortunate dogs. BTW There should be no such thing as an "outdoor dog" you don't have outdoor kids, do you?

    • I got a puppy from a friend and at first she stated it was miniature dobie(sp) pincher and dachshund, however, after getting him home we realized that this could not be true due to his size, so we took him back over to our friends and said we didn't see any dachshund, and thats when we found out our puppy was miniature dobie pincher and lab! So OH YES its POSSIBLE!:0

    • Why aren't your animals spayed and neutered there is a pet overpopulation in this country or haven't you heard? When you need answers to questions like the one you just posted, ask your veterinarian he'll be able to answer all your questions concerning your pets. In fact ask him tommorow when you call to schedule their surgeries.