What is the best way to stop a bassett hound from scratching up the carpet?

I have a bassett hound / dachsund mix dog. She is 4 years old and she constantly scratches our rugs. She ruined the last rug we had and she has done the same with a few beds. I read somewhere that this is a bassett trait. What is the best way for us to…

    What is the best way to stop a bassett hound from scratching up the carpet?

    I have a bassett hound / dachsund mix dog. She is 4 years old and she constantly scratches our rugs. She ruined the last rug we had and she has done the same with a few beds. I read somewhere that this is a bassett trait. What is the best way for us to…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is the best way to stop a bassett hound from scratching up the carpet?...

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    • What is the best way to stop a bassett hound from scratching up the carpet?

      What is the best way to stop a bassett hound from scratching up the carpet? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a bassett hound / dachsund mix dog. She is 4 years old and she constantly scratches our rugs. She ruined the last rug we had and she has done the same with a few beds. I read somewhere that this is a bassett trait. What is the best way for us to deal with this aside from getting rid of the rugs?

      What is the best way to stop a bassett hound from scratching up the carpet?

      What is the best way to stop a bassett hound from scratching up the carpet? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Go to the petstore and buy some "Bitter Apple". Its a spray that dogs do not like - won't harm them - but the scent will keep them away from all most anything. Thats how I trained my dogs to stay out of the garbage.

    • Put her BUTT outside...lol No, there is a spray you can get that is suppose to make them stay away from whatever spot u put it on. It doesn't always work but it is worth the try. If it doesn't put something on that spot!

    • I don't know about it being a basset trait. Try this: Put 10 pennies in a soda can and tape it shut. When she goes to scratch, shake the can and say "no" loud. If she ignores you throw the can so that it lands next to her (do not hit her with it). Praise her when she quits and looks at you. Crate her when you can't watch her and give her lots to do. She sounds bored. Walks obedience training, toys, should all help.

    • Everytime you catch her doing it, yell a firm "No!" and squirt her with a water bottle. (Abandon this if she thinks that's fun). Or grasp her muzzle firmly and say "No!", You are the boss and don't forget it. Bassetts are pack hounds and need a leader.

    • Bitter apple only works when the dog is actually bitting the object. dogs do not like the taste bc its really bitter. Your best bet is to teach her that the behavior is no longer accectable. The soda can with pennies is a great solution. Dogs tend to ignore the word "no" after awhile just like children so the loud noise gets their attention right away. I wouldnt suggest grabbing her muzzle and telling her no firmly. No need to scald your dog just grab her attention and divert her attention to something else when it happens. Dogs amazingly are just like kids.

    • Bassetts and Beagles are big diggers - this is powerful, instinctive behavior and you're probably not going to break him of it. If he's doing it while you're there, keep him on a leash tied to your belt so you can supervise him. When you're out, keep him in a crate or a room with a tile floor. Make sure he's getting at least two walks a day for thirty minutes - a lot of obnoxious behavior is excess energy.