How can I get my basset hound to let me know when she needs out?

She is a 6 year old female basset hound. We adopted her when she was 4. Sometimes she will let us know that she needs out, but other times she just poops on the floor when we're not looking.

    How can I get my basset hound to let me know when she needs out?

    She is a 6 year old female basset hound. We adopted her when she was 4. Sometimes she will let us know that she needs out, but other times she just poops on the floor when we're not looking....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I get my basset hound to let me know when she needs out?...

    • How can I get my basset hound to let me know when she needs out?

      How can I get my basset hound to let me know when she needs out? Dog Breed Discussions
      She is a 6 year old female basset hound. We adopted her when she was 4. Sometimes she will let us know that she needs out, but other times she just poops on the floor when we're not looking.

      How can I get my basset hound to let me know when she needs out?

      How can I get my basset hound to let me know when she needs out? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Hang a bell on your door. Every time you open the door to let her go out to go potty ring the bell. It might take a while but she will eventually associate the bell ringing with the door opening and start ringing it herself when she needs to go out.

    • Well if she's 6 years old the likelyhood of her going out side all by herself, is probably not going to happen.. Make sure you take the dog out every so often...

    • If she's not a barker, then the bell idea is what I'd suggest as well. It worked for my mom's golden retriever. He'd stand by the door, but if nobody noticed he was there, then he'd go poop behind the couch. He still doesn't bark, but he will ring the bell to go potty.

    • Let her know she is not allowed to go inside, and reward her when she goes outside. Then she will want to go outside and not inside