How do you stop a basset hound from being stinky?

I recently inherited a 7 yr old basset hound that smells so bad. I have heard it is their ears that cause the odor. What can you do to make this a little more bearable?

    How do you stop a basset hound from being stinky?

    I recently inherited a 7 yr old basset hound that smells so bad. I have heard it is their ears that cause the odor. What can you do to make this a little more bearable?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do you stop a basset hound from being stinky?...

    • How do you stop a basset hound from being stinky?

      How do you stop a basset hound from being stinky? Dog Breed Discussions
      I recently inherited a 7 yr old basset hound that smells so bad. I have heard it is their ears that cause the odor. What can you do to make this a little more bearable?

      How do you stop a basset hound from being stinky?

      How do you stop a basset hound from being stinky? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Bathing is always good. If its from the ears it could be a yeast infection(seriously) you can get meds from the vet or you can find some ear cleaning solutions at pet stores.

    • DON"T USE BLEACH! IT IS TOXIC TO DOGS!!! Even if they don't lick it, it will still be absorbed by the skin.You should only bathe your dog once every 2 to 3 weeks unless otherwise directed by your vet. If you do it too often, his skin will dry out and become very flaky. Clean his ears with dog ear cleaner every other day. Bassets have stinky ears because the air can't get to the inside because of their droopy ears. Watch for infections!If you find that it isn't his ears, there are doggy colognes you can use that smell wonderful. Good Luck!

    • My sister had a 9 year old bassett up until recently. Chloe was VERY smelly. My sister and me occasionally used ear cleanser solution from the vet or with a cotton ball daily. Her bassett emitted a bad odor from her armpits as well. Because they have so much loose skin she had chaffing in her armpits and she had lotion for that. She got a lotion from her vet or used neosporin to help prevent infection. Also, she had a body spray that she used daily as well and it REALLY helped. Also from They need baths weekly, ear cleanses and body sprays daily. I hope this helps.

    • Let me know when you find out.....Seriously, though, there are a few things you can try.First take it to the vet for a thorough checkup. Ear infections, anal gland problems, skin infections, lip fold infections, bad teeth can all cause nasty odors.Try changing to a better quality food. Many basset owners report an improvement in the smell when changing to a corn-free food.Keep him well-groomed. Regular brushing will help to remove excess dirt. When bathing, if he has no skin sensitivities you can try a scented shampoo. Lambert Kay Fresh N Clean with baking soda is a good one, or I like La Pooch. Or you can try a vinegar or Listerine rinse after the bath to kill odor-causing bacteria. Some people also spray or wipe their hounds with Listerine. You can also get doggy cologne, but don't use this if the dog has sensitive skin. Keep the ears clean.That said, many bassets simply have an odor. It's one of the quirks of the breed. You get used to it, honest.Good luck! Feel free to contact me if you have any other basset hound related questions.

    • Basset hounds tend to have an odor, no matter how much you clean them. You can minimize it by bathing them every month and cleaning their ears every week. I use MalAcetic for my dogs ears. It's what my vet recommended and it works.

    • Give it a good bath and take it to the vet because it might have ear mites (my Golden Retriever had them and he stunk to high heaven). Also try a doggy perfume from the pet shop and good food! Good Luck!!!!