should i rescue a grey hound or go to the local shelter?

i want to rescue a dog. i live in a apartment that i can have a dog. i have a toy poodle as well. sahould i rescue a retired racing grey hound or find a shelter dog?

    should i rescue a grey hound or go to the local shelter?

    i want to rescue a dog. i live in a apartment that i can have a dog. i have a toy poodle as well. sahould i rescue a retired racing grey hound or find a shelter dog?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : should i rescue a grey hound or go to the local shelter?...

    • Either way is great. You're saving a life. Your main concern needs to be which breed will fit best into your home and life. There are several on-line resources to help you find the best breed for you. Here's one: you chose a grey hound rescue or a local shelter, you are making a wonderful choice.

    • seriously, dont ask us, what do you want? if you asked on this website, should i jump off of a bridge, then the majority of people would probably say do what u want.P.S. make sure you take you poodle to the shelter with you, so u make sure that it gets along with whatever dog u want... good luck

    • I'm all about greyhounds. And most of the info here about them is good. Usually most folks have misconceptions about greyhounds. Kayflower mentioned them being nervous and aggressive, she is mistaken about the breed's tendencies. She is probably thinking "whippet". As with any breed, there are exceptions to every rule. Contact me or add "talkietoaster23" to your messenger, we'll talk.