How do u train a Basset Hound?

I recently got a Basset Hound/ Beagle mix. She is about 2 months old. What would a good training method be? She understands where her bed is and go to bed, but it doesnt seem like she understands anything else, like come on or let go. She also seems…

    How do u train a Basset Hound?

    I recently got a Basset Hound/ Beagle mix. She is about 2 months old. What would a good training method be? She understands where her bed is and go to bed, but it doesnt seem like she understands anything else, like come on or let go. She also seems…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do u train a Basset Hound?...

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    • How do u train a Basset Hound?

      How do u train a Basset Hound? Dog Breed Discussions
      I recently got a Basset Hound/ Beagle mix. She is about 2 months old. What would a good training method be? She understands where her bed is and go to bed, but it doesnt seem like she understands anything else, like come on or let go. She also seems to be afraid of the outdoors, even if im out there too. What can i do to help relax out there?

      How do u train a Basset Hound?

      How do u train a Basset Hound? Dog Breed Discussions
    • she is still a baby be patient! she doesnt understand cuz nobody tought her how to do things....i have a beagle puppy...he is 5 month him when he was 8 weeks old...they learn quick if u show them how to do patient and u ll be surprised..mine was potty trained with just 12 weeks! but i really took him out every 2 hours and rewarded good behavior.mine was afraid too..but she will get used to it..just reward and praise her.u could take her to the dog park..she ll love it.

    • let me tell you from experience beagles and bassets are very stubborn and get jealous easy....they are hard to train but they are the most loveable and loyal have to be tough and consistent and show them who's boss

    • If she is afraid of outdoors you may have a fearful dog. Training any dog takes time and patience. Training a fearful dog takes more than that. It takes commitment and perseverance I never knew I had. Check out some websites/articles on fearful dogs and see if your dog has any of these behaviors. If so, you will want to invest more time and energy into researching this behavior and how to work successfully with a fearful dog. I highly recommend this site: gives links to other sites, lists relevant books to read, etc. - a wealth of information from someone who has been there and is still working with her very fearful rescue dog).and these are good places to get some general information as well: wishes!