Can you help me with my basset hound?

I have a basset hound and she is really sweet. I have been working with her on tap dancing. I had to make 3 sets of tap shoes before I made some she liked, I could not find any at the store or online Now I have her shoes and she likes them but, the…

    Can you help me with my basset hound?

    I have a basset hound and she is really sweet. I have been working with her on tap dancing. I had to make 3 sets of tap shoes before I made some she liked, I could not find any at the store or online Now I have her shoes and she likes them but, the…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can you help me with my basset hound?...

    • Can you help me with my basset hound?

      Can you help me with my basset hound? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a basset hound and she is really sweet. I have been working with her on tap dancing. I had to make 3 sets of tap shoes before I made some she liked, I could not find any at the store or online Now I have her shoes and she likes them but, the tap dancing lessons are not going so well. I have tried showing her, letting her watch it on tv, watch herself in the mirror, nothing seems to work. Any suggestions?

      Can you help me with my basset hound?

      Can you help me with my basset hound? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Yes, once I had a hound and it started stealing my stuff. Like seriously I couldnt find it anymore. So I started to put traps in the stuff, like my shoes, I would coat with super glue and stuff like that, then one day she stopped, so I think I got the message.The messed up thing is I woke up one of those mornings and it turnt out I never had a dog to begin with, I was dreaming it all up.

    • I know exactly what the problem is here. You are trying to train a dog that has too short of legs. Does your neighbor have a breed with longer legs that you could borrow? I would think that a Dane would be better at this, but, of course, you would once again have to make another pair of tap dancing shoes.

    • This is because you did not research the breed before getting it.Basset Hounds are not meant for tap dancing, they were bred to do the Macarena. You should have gotten a Basenji if you wanted a dog for tap dancing.