My basset hound goes insane when he lays on white. Does anybody know why?

I recently put white sheets on my bed and when my basset hound comes onto the bed he barks, whines, and jumps on and off the bed. But if I cover them with a different color he is completely normal. I was wondering if anybody knows what could've caused…

    My basset hound goes insane when he lays on white. Does anybody know why?

    I recently put white sheets on my bed and when my basset hound comes onto the bed he barks, whines, and jumps on and off the bed. But if I cover them with a different color he is completely normal. I was wondering if anybody knows what could've caused…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My basset hound goes insane when he lays on white. Does anybody know why?...

    • My basset hound goes insane when he lays on white. Does anybody know why?

      My basset hound goes insane when he lays on white. Does anybody know why? Dog Breed Discussions
      I recently put white sheets on my bed and when my basset hound comes onto the bed he barks, whines, and jumps on and off the bed. But if I cover them with a different color he is completely normal. I was wondering if anybody knows what could've caused this behavior?

      My basset hound goes insane when he lays on white. Does anybody know why?

      My basset hound goes insane when he lays on white. Does anybody know why? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You can try luring him on the bed with treats and praising him. Even if he stays for a few minutes.Only thing I can think of is that "if" he had a previous owner they scolded him and punished him for being on things white because he'd get it dirty. And now he's afraid if he gets on your white sheets you'll get upset.

    • I can't believe this is down to colour!!? Could these sheets have a different smell, or feel, to your other ones? It's far more likely this is causing this reaction. It could be down to something in his past (did you have him from a puppy?) as Bassets never forget (like elephants). Apart from that (smell and feel) I have absolutely no idea what's going on, and I've had 'em since 1972!!! Lots.

    • Another fascinating question. I cannot begin to imagine what your dog is thinking when he sees white. Have you tried other white things to see how he reacts? Try dressing all in white, or wrap a white sheet around you. Dogs are funny. They are always doing things like this. The only thing I can think of is that something really bad happened to him involving white, when he was a puppy.

    • Poor thing was probaly being scolded when he was a puppy with white things. Heres wat u should do. Bring a SMALL white towel or sheet on the floor and lure him NEAR the sheet (with a leash on)not on it, near it. If he starts freaking out, kiss him, soothe him, assure him that its OK. Let him smell it, he might back away, again, soothe him. Put his favorite treats on the sheet, if hes still scared, try the whole process again. Let him smell it, sit near it, then try again. This is very strange, I suggest taking him for dog therapy.