What is the normal weight of basset hound pup of 2 months?

She loves to play but her bones are sticking out and am not sure she eating enough. I feed her ever 3 hours, and most of the time she rather play then eat. Is there some kind of web site that can show me how a basset hound pup should process in…

    What is the normal weight of basset hound pup of 2 months?

    She loves to play but her bones are sticking out and am not sure she eating enough. I feed her ever 3 hours, and most of the time she rather play then eat. Is there some kind of web site that can show me how a basset hound pup should process in…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is the normal weight of basset hound pup of 2 months?...

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    • What is the normal weight of basset hound pup of 2 months?

      What is the normal weight of basset hound pup of 2 months? Dog Breed Discussions
      She loves to play but her bones are sticking out and am not sure she eating enough. I feed her ever 3 hours, and most of the time she rather play then eat. Is there some kind of web site that can show me how a basset hound pup should process in time..........

      What is the normal weight of basset hound pup of 2 months?

      What is the normal weight of basset hound pup of 2 months? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Generally, basset hound weight: 50 to 65 pounds for full grown.Check these links for more information about this dog.http://dogtime.com/basset-hound.htmlhttp://dogtime.com/dog-breeds/basset-hound/breed-highlights

    • I have to wonder why you have a two month old dog that you don't know how to feed and seemingly that you don't have any literature on? OK, I wouldn't recommend the food as the best nutrition, unless this is all you can afford, but the famous Purina Puppy Starter Kit has been around for ages. At least it's free, online, and pretty straightforward. Check it out here, and take a look at the rest of the puppy feeding info.http://freesample.pedigree.com/Images/PDF/puppy_care_guide.pdfThere's plenty of info on there, starting with "Puppy Nutrition" - http://freesample.pedigree.com/02All%20Things%20Dog/Article%20Library/results.aspx?catId=1&sCatId=8&catName=Puppy&sCatName=NutritionSecond, go to the library and xerox some books or better yet, buy some! And don't go the cheap route and get the white, glossy, 75 page b.s. books from the 70's written by some backyard breeder that they sell next to the Milk Bones in your local Petsmart. Look through a real book. Go to the AKC website, find the parent club representative for Bassets near you, and call them. Ask tons of questions. They will only be too happy to help. Don't be surprised if they tell you first however that you shouldn't have an 8 week old puppy in the first place, especially if you don't know how to feed it.As for bones, if you're talking about your pup's elbows, then it's probably just the odd shape of Bassets. If you're talking about her ribs or hips sticking out, you need to get her to a vet ASAP because if you're feeding her every 3 hours and she looks like that, there's a problem. Besides, a 2 month old puppy does not need to eat every three hours. Of course she'd rather play. She's probably stuffed.Now go read up, and quick. This is the most important time in a puppy's life to learn about proper socialization and obedience and boundaries and why not to bite and so on. Do your job right for the next couple of months and you will have a lifelong happily adjust companion. Good luck.