How can I tell when my Basset Hound is in labor?

I have 2 Basset Hounds. Im not sure when they bred but I do know the week. So she should be due anywhere from the day before Thanksgiving to the Sunday after. Anyway my question is... How do I know when labor has begun? I am so excited about the puppies…

    How can I tell when my Basset Hound is in labor?

    I have 2 Basset Hounds. Im not sure when they bred but I do know the week. So she should be due anywhere from the day before Thanksgiving to the Sunday after. Anyway my question is... How do I know when labor has begun? I am so excited about the puppies…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I tell when my Basset Hound is in labor?...

    • How can I tell when my Basset Hound is in labor?

      How can I tell when my Basset Hound is in labor? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have 2 Basset Hounds. Im not sure when they bred but I do know the week. So she should be due anywhere from the day before Thanksgiving to the Sunday after. Anyway my question is... How do I know when labor has begun? I am so excited about the puppies I want to make sure to be there in case she needs help or something goes wrong. She is a first time mom so I would appreciate any help.

      How can I tell when my Basset Hound is in labor?

      How can I tell when my Basset Hound is in labor? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Here is a great illustrated site to help you take care of her and the puppies> trick that has never failed me..Offer a favorite treat, such as real meat..if she takes it and asked for more, she won't begin labor for at least 6 hours..But, if she refuses it, labor is soon to important thing, is to have puppy formula and bottle with nipple on hand. Its usually too late to run and get them when you need them, and you are likely to end up supplementing the litter anyway..For a basset, a human baby bottle, (the 4 ounce one) and newborn Nuk nipples will work fine..You will use the can of puppy formula to help wean the pups anyway, so it won't be wasted.

    • Take her temperature rectally every 2-4 hours on the 55th day after breeding. It will drop 1-4 degrees 12-24 hours before labor. She will also start to show signs of labor - i.e. nesting, hiding, digging, panting. She should also start having a clear discharge from her vaginal area and it will become swollen. She will seem distracted and become uncomfortable. Moving from area to area looking for a place to give birth.

    • You should NEVER EVER allow your dog to have puppies alone. That being said, when she's starting labor, her water will break and she will have been shaking and panting and probably digging. Also her temperature will drop 24 hours before she starts labor. It will drop from around 101 to 99. You should have a whelping box ready for her so she can feel safe and so she can't just run off somewhere and get into trouble.

    • I seriously hope you have discussed labor and whelping with your veterinarian. You need a contingency plan in case of a problem, like a C-section in the middle of the night. If you haven't planned for this, talk to your vet ASAP to find out if they do emergencies, and if not where they send their clients after hours and most importantly, how much it could cost! A good consultation exam with your veterinarian can help you answer a lot of your questions, and he/she can take an x-ray so you know how many puppies to expect, so you know when your dog will be done delivering.There are MANY excellent books out there on whelping out a litter of pups, you should sink your teeth into several of them right away.