How to potty train a basset hound puppy?

Okay we have this new basset hound puppy named Gus-Gus and he keeps having accidents in the house even after we take him outside and you can't put him on a chain outside he just sets at the door and whines. So I need help training him, I need to know…

    How to potty train a basset hound puppy?

    Okay we have this new basset hound puppy named Gus-Gus and he keeps having accidents in the house even after we take him outside and you can't put him on a chain outside he just sets at the door and whines. So I need help training him, I need to know…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to potty train a basset hound puppy?...

    • How to potty train a basset hound puppy?

      How to potty train a basset hound puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      Okay we have this new basset hound puppy named Gus-Gus and he keeps having accidents in the house even after we take him outside and you can't put him on a chain outside he just sets at the door and whines. So I need help training him, I need to know some tricks I can use

      How to potty train a basset hound puppy?

      How to potty train a basset hound puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Puppies need to be taken out often, after they wake up, after they drink water, twenty minutes after they eat, after they play you have to keep an eye on them all of the time. If you can't then they need to be put in their crates. But puppies pretty much need to go out every one to two hours, the above schedule is certain to get results. Remember their bladders are very small and you can't use a tie out while you are house breaking your puppy in fact you shouldn't use a tie out at all. They don't like to be outside by themselves remember they are part of your family. After you get your puppy up to date with their puppy shot series it is a good idea to take him to obedience classes and a daily walk.

    • I had this really long, informative, helpful answer for you but it tells me it's too long so I'll try to shorten it down for you. I'm almost out of this stage with my 4 month old "Red Tick" Short-Legged Beagle, so I'll try to give you all the tricks and tips I've been using with Daisy. Take Gus-Gus out on long walks, 25-30 minutes if you can. Not only is it healthy for you and Gus-Gus, but it helps him expend some energy and gives him plenty of time to stop and do his business. If you catch him in the act of pottying in the floor, never yell at him, lose your temper, spank, or use his name in the repremand. Simply firmly, and calmly tell him "No! No!". Don't go into a one sided conversation as to why it's a no no but even if he's completely emptied his bladder and pooped, go through the routine of taking him outside. Put his leash on him and take him out. Usually taking him to the same areas each time is extremely helpful. Don't make a big production if he does a good job, just take him back in, give him a pet and a calm "Good boy" then go on about your business. If you do not catch him in the act, there isn't much you can do because if you punish him for it he thinks you're punishing him for the mess, not the act. Then they find hiding spots to do their business. Learn his body language and always keep an eye on him. If he starts that tell-tell sniffing and turning round and round then grab him up and take him outside. But it sounds to me like he's already got it down going to the door. If he is constantly needing to go pee, then take him. But I advice you to either take him to the vet and have him checked for a bladder infection, or to take about a teaspoon of lemon juice or something citrus and put it in his water about 2-3 times a week. Take him out first thing in the morning, an hour after eating, and just before bedtime. Set that as a routine for him. If he's a "new puppy" I'm assuming he's probably what, 2-3 months old? Puppies do not gain full control over their bladder and going potty until they're around 3.5 to 4 months old - heck, they just now got to where they didn't need mom's stimulation to make them go. So just be patient while he grows and learns control over himself. It's like having a baby that grows quickly into a toddler, then so on and so forth. Cut off his water intake around 5-5:30 in the evening (or whenever you feed him the last meal of the day), it'll help getting everything out of his system before bedtime that way he's not up all night needing to go potty. It helps, trust me. Lastly, look into some Cesar Millan videos on youtube and especially this That article along with everything else I've told you saved my sanity, lol.Good Luck!