Do I have enough time for a basset hound?

I go to school from 9 to 5 and my boyfriend works those hours as well. We live in a loft apartment and were seriously considering getting a basset hound puppy. I have read that they are a stubborn breed and that it takes a lot to potty train them. I'm…

    Do I have enough time for a basset hound?

    I go to school from 9 to 5 and my boyfriend works those hours as well. We live in a loft apartment and were seriously considering getting a basset hound puppy. I have read that they are a stubborn breed and that it takes a lot to potty train them. I'm…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Do I have enough time for a basset hound?...

    • Do I have enough time for a basset hound?

      Do I have enough time for a basset hound? Dog Breed Discussions
      I go to school from 9 to 5 and my boyfriend works those hours as well. We live in a loft apartment and were seriously considering getting a basset hound puppy. I have read that they are a stubborn breed and that it takes a lot to potty train them. I'm worried that if we get one we won't be home enough to let it out or to be with it. Should we go ahead and get one?

      Do I have enough time for a basset hound?

      Do I have enough time for a basset hound? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Theres nothing funner then a puppy, But i suggest not to if your not sure of your schedule. Puppies take around the clock care, and to be honest Basset hounds are simply adorable, but actually kind of stupid. They arnt a smart breed, and will most likely soil your home. even if you are there to attempt to train. If you still want a dog, i suggest you give your love to a 1 year old shelter dog. or a puppy of a smarter breed. There are adult basset hounds for adoption on . It sounds like you have lots of love to give a dog. Good luck. I hope i helped.

    • The name of this breed says it all: Basset HOUND. Hounds are hunting dogs, it is in their instinct to chase things and roam freely. It is crucial that your dog gets plenty of free-roaming exercise in a dog park or out in the country so he/she can put his/her investigative instincts to good use. Your dog will need at least an hour of exercise a day because you live in an apartment. If you do not have time to accommodate this, then you should consider a different breed because you will be stressed out at wits end due to their restless tendencies.Bassets are not a suitable breed for apartment living.

    • As a Bassett owner, I can tell you they are NOT stupid...just sometimes slow to follow commands. If you are considering any puppy...your hours are a problem but not one that is insurmountable. You do have the option of board and train..If that is not an option, you can enlist the aid of friends or family to babysit/train while you are not around. When I adopted my pup I was working 4 days a week. I got permission to bring the dog to work 2 days, and a close friend watched him 2 days a week. Puppies do sleep alot, so we did get in a good amount of work when I was home. Puppies also should be crate trained and can be left alone for 1 hour for each month of your 4 month old pup can be left for 4 hours. My boy is now 3 and does stay by himself for 3 work days...before I leave for work, we are out for a good hour, hour and a half walk and exercise...more when I get home. And Bassets need more exercise than you think...remember they are hunting dogs and are bred for endurance...hours of slow trot over uneven and marshy, if you can work out the details, there is no reason why you can't be a dog owner now. Though it is probably a better idea to wait until you have more time. Are you off in the summer...maybe you can do it then...Good luck to you