Does my basset hound need to go to the vet?

She is 5, healthy weight, very playful. The last 2 days she doesn't jump up on me or on furniture. She seems unable to hop up on the couch and bed. She is walking around very slowly also. Has anyone had this problem with their basset hound?

    Does my basset hound need to go to the vet?

    She is 5, healthy weight, very playful. The last 2 days she doesn't jump up on me or on furniture. She seems unable to hop up on the couch and bed. She is walking around very slowly also. Has anyone had this problem with their basset hound?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Does my basset hound need to go to the vet?...

    • Does my basset hound need to go to the vet?

      Does my basset hound need to go to the vet? Dog Breed Discussions
      She is 5, healthy weight, very playful. The last 2 days she doesn't jump up on me or on furniture. She seems unable to hop up on the couch and bed. She is walking around very slowly also. Has anyone had this problem with their basset hound?

      Does my basset hound need to go to the vet?

      Does my basset hound need to go to the vet? Dog Breed Discussions
    • If your dog ever shows any behavior that is out of character it is always best to check it out with your vet. It is very difficult to give an indepth answer as I would need to see your dog, know his age etc etc. Take him to the vet.

    • best visit the vet dachshund went thru this, wouldnt jump and just layed down and shoke. the vet gave me some pills and he was good as new if a day or so. make sure you take all the medication until it is finished.

    • yes sounds like she may have injured her back it could be something simple like a pulled muscle but also could be a fracture or nerve problems which needs vet treatment asap

    • I sure would take her to the Vet. Don't accept RIMADYL, or other NSAIDs for pain. I lost a dog very soon after she was put on that.Scares me to pieces. My son's dog behaved the same way yours is, and within 2 weeks, she was perky as ever WITHOUT medicine. 'But you need to have vet check her out, IMHOI

    • It sounds like she may be constipated. My basset displayed similar behavior just a few weeks ago. I would take her to the vet just in case though. Try to feel around her back, and hind legs, see how she responds. If she's in obvious pain, it may be an orthopedic problem.