How much does a pure bred basset hound with papers cost?

Also I keep reading on how high basset hounds get, but I would like to know how long they can get?

    How much does a pure bred basset hound with papers cost?

    Also I keep reading on how high basset hounds get, but I would like to know how long they can get?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How much does a pure bred basset hound with papers cost?...

    • How much does a pure bred basset hound with papers cost?

      How much does a pure bred basset hound with papers cost? Dog Breed Discussions
      Also I keep reading on how high basset hounds get, but I would like to know how long they can get?

      How much does a pure bred basset hound with papers cost?

      How much does a pure bred basset hound with papers cost? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I took a look at the standard, and it makes no mention of length.Here's a link to the breeder referral page of the national breed club for basset hounds. I suggest finding some that are closest to where you live, and inquire directly to them.

    • If you have to ask then you can't afford it. The intial cost of any pet is nothing compared to the MAINTENANCE. Are you financially prepared to provide the proper care for such a dog? Will you take the dog to the vet when you first get him or her? What about annual checkups? Teeth cleanings? (about $250) Immunizations? Office visits? All these cost money and are ongoing, not just a one-time thing! Basset hounds have long backs. If needed, can you afford costly (very costly!) back surgery?What is your lifestyle? Are you gone at work or school all day? You have a LOT more to think about than the intial cost.

    • they will look the same as standart daushound only a littletaller but the smae lenght basset hound are prone to illnes they should not be keept in apartments cuz they dont like ot climb the stair and it can be unhealthy for them