Is it possible/hard to train an older sent hound to hunt?

I just adopted a black and tan/bluetick coon hound from the Humane Society. I used to coon hunt and know how to train a puppy but not an adult. Is it possible or hard to train "retrain" her? If it's possible would I just start her out like I would a…

    Is it possible/hard to train an older sent hound to hunt?

    I just adopted a black and tan/bluetick coon hound from the Humane Society. I used to coon hunt and know how to train a puppy but not an adult. Is it possible or hard to train "retrain" her? If it's possible would I just start her out like I would a…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it possible/hard to train an older sent hound to hunt?...

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    • Is it possible/hard to train an older sent hound to hunt?

      Is it possible/hard to train an older sent hound to hunt? Dog Breed Discussions
      I just adopted a black and tan/bluetick coon hound from the Humane Society. I used to coon hunt and know how to train a puppy but not an adult. Is it possible or hard to train "retrain" her? If it's possible would I just start her out like I would a pup?

      Is it possible/hard to train an older sent hound to hunt?

      Is it possible/hard to train an older sent hound to hunt? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You're training her right from the very beginning, so yes, start out just like you would a pup. Once she gets the idea, she should be absolutely thrilled!