Whats a good city dog for someone who was raised with hounds?

I used to live in the country and all I ever had were beagles. I love them but now that I am on my own I need a companion... unfortunately I know that I can't bring a hound to the city.Is there a good <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/9-dog-breed/?s=f5e375adac4389edcfe1a64b0959652e9764cc28">dog breed</a> out there that is like a beagle/hound that…

    Whats a good city dog for someone who was raised with hounds?

    I used to live in the country and all I ever had were beagles. I love them but now that I am on my own I need a companion... unfortunately I know that I can't bring a hound to the city.Is there a good <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/9-dog-breed/?s=f5e375adac4389edcfe1a64b0959652e9764cc28">dog breed</a> out there that is like a beagle/hound that…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Whats a good city dog for someone who was raised with hounds?...

    • Whats a good city dog for someone who was raised with hounds?

      Whats a good city dog for someone who was raised with hounds? Dog Breed Discussions
      I used to live in the country and all I ever had were beagles. I love them but now that I am on my own I need a companion... unfortunately I know that I can't bring a hound to the city.Is there a good dog breed out there that is like a beagle/hound that can live in the city? Any suggestions?

      Whats a good city dog for someone who was raised with hounds?

      Whats a good city dog for someone who was raised with hounds? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Try a small beagle and make sure that you take your dog for a daily walk, your dog gets plenty of exercise and you take your dog to a training class. Committing to these will insure a wonderful dog and companion-where ever you live!

    • I live in the city and I have a miniature dachshund, they are great little dogs without some of the annoying traits you find in smaller dogs. Daxie's are little dogs with a big personality, I have had them since I was 2 and can't recommend them highly enough!!

    • I'm not much for small dogs but I like the dachshund suggestion. They are in the hound group so you might get some of the hound personality you like. If you really like your beagles, get one. They can live in a city if you take the time to walk them. Beagles and other hounds are couch potatoes when they are in the house.

    • I currently live in the country, but I lived in major urban environments for years with my current dog.She is a black and white wire-haired Jack Russell terrier I got from a rescue shelter. I got her because Jack Russell's are small enough to live in apartments well. They are also smart enough to train easily, and to be very playful and lots of fun. She also turned out to be very quiet which I was worried about. She is very independently minded and not bothered by other dogs one way or the other.I used to have a co-worker with the same kind of dog, and we often compared notes. His behaved exactly the same way.

    • Get one that fits YOUR lifestyle.Try the breed selector quiz and see what breed(s) show up that are right for you. http://animal.discovery.com/breedselector/dogselector.do

    • The Italian Greyhound is the right dog for you. They are a hound to begin with, but are small and actually enjoy living in a kennel when they are alone and you are at work. They can live in warmer climates. They call them velcro dogs, because they always want to be close to you.They are cat-like in the respect that they enjoy sunbathing. A picnic-style blanket and chew toy laid out in the warmth of the sunshine in the park for a lunch with you is an IG's idea of heaven. If you do not like cats, this may not be the breed for you.Italian Greyhounds like to be up on high spots in your house (such as back of chairs, sofas and even on top of the dining room table). If there is a window view they are especially thrilled. Care should be taken with puppies and young adults that they are not given the opportunity to attempt dare-devil stunts off the back of such things! Most owners' hearts cannot take the thrills and dangers these little darlings enjoy and so have rethought living room furniture placement. Many have decided to push sofas and chairs against walls. If you do not like changes in your lifestyle, this may not be the breed for you.Lounging in beds, preferably under covers is a favorite pastime. Sharing the bed with you is always the best! Some are very good at sneaking under covers. Others, who have learned to enslave everyone, are good at teaching owners to gently pick the covers up for them! Keeping the couch warm occupies a lot of their time. Care must be taken to not sit on a hidden IG! If you don't like sharing your bed, this may not be the breed for you.Your privacy will be a long forgotten memory once you are owned by an IG! You will find that no where in your house is there a place to hide from this inquisitive little personality. You will be followed everywhere... including the bathroom. Dinner time is of special interest to IGs. Care should be taken in not tripping over them. If you do not like constant company, an IG may not be the breed for you.IG's can be very possessive of their owners and I've known many owners who occasionally resist this possessiveness. No matter what you are doing, the IG may demand inmmediate attention. For example, iggies have been known to interrupt romantic interludes. If you do not have a good sense of humor, the IG may NOT be the breed for you.I've frequently been asked the question, "Which makes a better pet...a male or a female?" Female Italian Greyhounds are a little "stand-offish". They are more independent and can even be a bit uppity at times. If you have more than one IG in your house, the female will ALWAYS be the leader of the house. Males are much more apt to cuddle and make ideal lap warmers. Males also seem to show their affection by keeping close. Most owners find that male IG's are easier and faster to housetrain than females. If housetrained correctly and neutered, a male IG will not lift his leg in your house.