Can my shitzu puppy (5 months old) get my 1 year old basset hound pregnant?

I just realized my basset hound was in heat for the first time. My shitzu runs around outside with her. Is this possible? Is the shitzu old enough?I didn't ask for rude comments. But thanks for the people who are nice. I can't believe how rude you…

    Can my shitzu puppy (5 months old) get my 1 year old basset hound pregnant?

    I just realized my basset hound was in heat for the first time. My shitzu runs around outside with her. Is this possible? Is the shitzu old enough?I didn't ask for rude comments. But thanks for the people who are nice. I can't believe how rude you…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can my shitzu puppy (5 months old) get my 1 year old basset hound pregnant?...

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    • Can my shitzu puppy (5 months old) get my 1 year old basset hound pregnant?

      Can my shitzu puppy (5 months old) get my 1 year old basset hound pregnant? Dog Breed Discussions
      I just realized my basset hound was in heat for the first time. My shitzu runs around outside with her. Is this possible? Is the shitzu old enough?I didn't ask for rude comments. But thanks for the people who are nice. I can't believe how rude you other people are.

      Can my shitzu puppy (5 months old) get my 1 year old basset hound pregnant?

      Can my shitzu puppy (5 months old) get my 1 year old basset hound pregnant? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Most likely not... but it could happen. If you'd get your basset spayed NOW that wouldn't be an issue. And your should never leave a dog in heat unsupervised for ANY amount of time. Take her to the vet and get her spayed THIS WEEK.

    • Get them separated immediately, it's more than possible, it will happen -- especially if the female's in heat. If you're planning on keeping them both, one HAS to be fixed or your going to end up with an unexpected litter.

    • yes it is a slim possibility...Now in regards to what everyone else is saying about getting them fixed...they judged the situation w.out knowing the details. I believe if you keep your dogs on leashes or in a fenced in area...or if you are raising them to be dogs for breeding then you people who are like obsessed with fixing animals need to like RELAX!!!! Not everyone is irresponsible. Sorry felt a need to say that...If you don't want your dog to become prego then I would have to say keep a good eye on them...or go the route everyone else is saying lol