Is it rare for a basset hound to breed with a jack russell?

my jack russell had 6 pupies for my bassett hound, being the jack russell is so small does this happen alot?

    Is it rare for a basset hound to breed with a jack russell?

    my jack russell had 6 pupies for my bassett hound, being the jack russell is so small does this happen alot?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it rare for a basset hound to breed with a jack russell?...

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    • Is it rare for a basset hound to breed with a jack russell?

      Is it rare for a basset hound to breed with a jack russell? Dog Breed Discussions
      my jack russell had 6 pupies for my bassett hound, being the jack russell is so small does this happen alot?

      Is it rare for a basset hound to breed with a jack russell?

      Is it rare for a basset hound to breed with a jack russell? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Dogs don't care what they breed with, it is a biological urge, not a romantic fit.What is a shame is that you were irresponsible enough to endanger your small dog like that.Get her spayed - get the bassett neutered.

    • You can find almost any kind of dog mix, I've seen Jack Russell x Greyhound and also Pit Bull x Basset Hound x Corgi - Dogs will mate with any other dog who is receptive, so no, it is not unusual.

    • Any male dog will breed with any female dog at any time during her heat cycle (sometimes not even during!). Thats why its so important to get your pets fixed.I've heard of a male chihuahua mating with a great dane before. Dogs are dogs, they mate to procreate. Doesn't matter the size, shape, age, or anything else. Mate to procreate.