What is the temperament of a whippet hound mix?

We are picking up a dog from a rescue mission. They have a very cute whippet-hound mix and the kids love him.

    What is the temperament of a whippet hound mix?

    We are picking up a dog from a rescue mission. They have a very cute whippet-hound mix and the kids love him....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is the temperament of a whippet hound mix?...

    • What is the temperament of a whippet hound mix?

      What is the temperament of a whippet hound mix? Dog Breed Discussions
      We are picking up a dog from a rescue mission. They have a very cute whippet-hound mix and the kids love him.

      What is the temperament of a whippet hound mix?

      What is the temperament of a whippet hound mix? Dog Breed Discussions
    • The temperament will depend on how the dog has been raised and whether it takes after the Whippet (Sighthound) side or the Hound (Scenthound) side.Whippets tend to be fairly soft and do well with mostly positive obedience training.If it has a Whippet neck and head, make sure you buy a martingale collar to walk it on. They can back out of regular buckle collars as their heads are almost the same size as their necks.Find a local obed. class and take it to classes so it can learn to be obedient and cute.

    • I work at a kennel and we had whippets there and they were some of the best dogs! they were very affectionate, loving, and calm... they also do very well in training!Hounds however are hyper and bark alot at the kennel. They have this obnoxious bark that is very loud, but you can train them not to bark.I think that your dog will either be very well behaved on its own or will need some training and attention.

    • That's a good question.. Who knows the answer tho?? Could be like a whippet, or a hound, or a mix of the two or the best of both, or the worst of both.. It's a mixed breed dog, there is no way to know.. The only thing you can do is meet the dog, and tell the rescue what you are looking for in a dog, and what you expect, what your experience is and they can tell you if the dog might work for you.. It's impossible to predict the temperament of a mixed breed dog.

    • I had a Whippet and she was the best pet ever! An extremely loving dog, great with the kids, very intuitive to how all of us were feeling. Not a great dog for teaching cutesy tricks, and never let it out of the house without a leash as they are sight hounds and want to chase whatever they see. As far as a whippet-hound mix, whippets are hounds so more of it has to be great! Everyone that met that dog fell in love with her. Enjoy your new hound!