How do i teach a beagle puppy loose leash walking and how to swim.?

i have a beagle puppy and i go camping a lot with him.

    How do i teach a beagle puppy loose leash walking and how to swim.?

    i have a beagle puppy and i go camping a lot with him....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do i teach a beagle puppy loose leash walking and how to swim.?...

    • How do i teach a beagle puppy loose leash walking and how to swim.?

      How do i teach a beagle puppy loose leash walking and how to swim.? Dog Breed Discussions
      i have a beagle puppy and i go camping a lot with him.

      How do i teach a beagle puppy loose leash walking and how to swim.?

      How do i teach a beagle puppy loose leash walking and how to swim.? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Unlike kids, you cannot 'teach' your puppy how to swim. Instinctively, he will dog paddle. Introduce him to a small, controlled area (i.e. baby pool or bathroom) but only fill it up about 1/3 of the way. Allow your puppy to sniff and investigate. Try to coax him into the water using treats or a toy (whichever he prefers). If he goes into the water, continue to reward him. Be patient. However, realize that he may not be comfortable in the water, so don't try to force him.

    • Going to obedience classes from a professional trainer will help a lot. Beagles were bred to hunt and follow their noses, teaching one to stick with you in a wilderness situation will be a challenge.

    • Dogs are natural born swimmers. Just play in the water with him. Toss pebbles--then toss sticks. After he has fun fetching sticks and getting his belly wet, start throwing them a little farther out so he has to swim.Loose leash walking: Sometimes that takes a little time--until the dog is a little mature. Start him on a tight leash with a choke chain. (not one with spikes) I keep a choker AND a collar on my dog. She's 9 months, and it took until 3 or 4 months to begin loosening up on the leash and using the collar more than the choker. Now on a walk, I use the collar--ir she starts getting goofy, then I switch the leash back to the choker. It takes time, & patience.