How do I make my puppy beagle tired easily?

Yeah she is a beagle and 4 months old. She is hyper when not tired, and when she is playful she growls and bites. I know she is teething but how do I keep her entertained until she is tired? She is sleeping right now, and I bought her toys but she…

    How do I make my puppy beagle tired easily?

    Yeah she is a beagle and 4 months old. She is hyper when not tired, and when she is playful she growls and bites. I know she is teething but how do I keep her entertained until she is tired? She is sleeping right now, and I bought her toys but she…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I make my puppy beagle tired easily?...

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    • How do I make my puppy beagle tired easily?

      How do I make my puppy beagle tired easily? Dog Breed Discussions
      Yeah she is a beagle and 4 months old. She is hyper when not tired, and when she is playful she growls and bites. I know she is teething but how do I keep her entertained until she is tired? She is sleeping right now, and I bought her toys but she doesn't really play with them. What do I do?And I cannot walk her yet because she doesn't have a collar and leash. btchazz muthafckerr

      How do I make my puppy beagle tired easily?

      How do I make my puppy beagle tired easily? Dog Breed Discussions
    • All dog need regular walks and toys that help with mental stimulation. For walks your dog needs at least a 20min walk everyday. If you find this is not tiring them out or they still have lots of energy than you need to increase it. For mental stimulation toys like kongs or treat cubes are great.

    • Hey now watch your language. There is no need for that. You do need to walk your dog and if it is already 4 months you should have already bought both a collar and leash. You need to start her in obedience training. The mental stimulation is good for her. And I'm not talking about basic commands I'm talking about actual obedience training. Like teaching her to sit, lay, stay, come, stay close ect all on command. There are videos on youtube of this if you want to see what an obedience competition looks like. If you like you could even title her. No dog should just sit around the house and do nothing. That creates a energetic, frustrated, destructive dog. Then the owners don't want to put up with it and abandon the dog. I see it all the time and its never the dogs fault. Its the owners fault for not knowing fully what the breed needs and not providing it for them.

    • YOU can throw a tennis ball or a frisbee right? Also, dogs love to play tug of war, get a rope with some knots on it or tie some knots on a pair of long socks and pull him around the lawn or the kitchen floor. This always makes my hyper male dog very tired, he can't even go get a drink of water. you can throw the ball while watching TV. How easy is that? Plus you get a work out too. :)

    • If your beagle is 4 months old, she should long-since had had a collar or harness and leash. Go get one as soon as you can.In the meantime, the way to get her happily tired, and get her over the biting and being hyper, is lots and lots of training. Use reward-based training, like clicker training, to teach her lots of behaviors. That way, you can ask for sit, down, come, catch, target (touching something with her nose or paw), give kisses, get up on a surface, get down off of a surface, spin, give paw, etc. The more she knows, the better it is.Ask for a trained behavior before she has a chance to do the unwanted stuff, and keep her busy with that. If you have a fenced yard, go out with her and let her run, or follow scent trails, to her heart's content.

    • I hope you know a Beagle will stay hyper all of it's life if it is well cared for and healthy.Just because a dog is teething does NOT excuse bad behavior like nipping, you have to stop that NOW! I have seen far to many Beagles killed for this reason.Have you ever owned a Beagle?Since she is a puppy your going to have to keep her entertained until she is tired. Puppies get bored and they will find something else to do. Trust me, that something else is not going to be something you will like......Does anyone live with you?If so try playing keep away. You sit at one end of a room and have another person sit on the other side. Put your puppy in the middle and start playing with the toy, toss it back and forth.Let your puppy "catch" it a few times. This works but they get the idea after a while.I dont suggest you take her for walks yet, wait until she gets ALL of her shots.Have you heard of a dog toy called a Kong?Fill it with a few cookies or peanut butter, she will play with that until she gets tired or gets all the food out.Good Luck, you haven't seen nothing yet.........

    • She needs mental and physical stimulation. She needs to be walked twice a day for 15 -30 minutes. WHY don't you have a collar and leash? Get one now! Spend money on important things rather than more toys. She needs to attend Puppy Kindergarten. It will help tire her out, get her properly socialized and teach you how to communicate with her so she doesn't growl and bite.

    • Tire out a Beagle, ROFL, good luck!If I want to get my Beagles tired I take them out to chase rabbits for about 8 to 10 hours.Sorry but that isn't the solution you are looking for.I can only assume by the nature of this post that you do not have a fenced yard. If that is true, you made a BIG MISTAKE getting a Beagle.

    • It's the nature of the Breed. Lots of Love, attention /PLAY / Walks and more play will tire them out. Note: this bred will be Very Active for a very long time 5 - 8 years and They REALLY LIKE TO BARK. Breeders call Them the "Bakers. They are hyper hunting dogs with LOTS of energy for the long trail. They are great for hunting foxes and hedge hogs ect.... . they are Not always great as a in house pet. This breed needs LOT of attention and some one who can train them or they can and WILL destroy the house as well as, annoy the neighbors and encourage visits from Law enforcement because of their never ending barking. If it is a newly purchased puppy you may desire to take it back and trade it for another breed. Go to the library & pic up a book on breeds of dogs and see which one best fits what you are looking for. Many Pet Shops are NOT a good place to get a dog. Go to a professional breeder that can give you the in and outs of a particular breed. If you can't give the dog the great amount of time and attention it needs to succeed then will BOTH regret it.

    • You should have had a leash and collar the day your brought her home. No excuse for not having one.So now, get off your behind, go to the store and buy a leash and collar.Your dog is not hyper, you have a 4 month old Beagle puppy. First, puppies have a lot of energy. Second, Beagles are hounds, their hunting dogs, bred to follow scent all day long, so they don't tire easily. You should have done some research on the needs and personality of this breed before bringing it home. Dogs don't play with toys by themselves. You need to interact with the puppy. You should be teaching her her name, housebreaking her, teaching her basic commands like sit, down, off and come. You should also be socializing her, taking her out of plenty of walks.