Would a 6 year old golden retriever get along with a beagle puppy?

I already have a 6 year old golden retriever and I was thinking about getting a beagle puppy that's about 8 weeks old. My golden retriever is playful and friendly with other dogs, but I don't know how she would get along with a puppy. Would she?

    Would a 6 year old golden retriever get along with a beagle puppy?

    I already have a 6 year old golden retriever and I was thinking about getting a beagle puppy that's about 8 weeks old. My golden retriever is playful and friendly with other dogs, but I don't know how she would get along with a puppy. Would she?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Would a 6 year old golden retriever get along with a beagle puppy?...

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    • Would a 6 year old golden retriever get along with a beagle puppy?

      Would a 6 year old golden retriever get along with a beagle puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      I already have a 6 year old golden retriever and I was thinking about getting a beagle puppy that's about 8 weeks old. My golden retriever is playful and friendly with other dogs, but I don't know how she would get along with a puppy. Would she?

      Would a 6 year old golden retriever get along with a beagle puppy?

      Would a 6 year old golden retriever get along with a beagle puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I would of thought so but if the puppy starts to bite the older dog try and split them up for a couple of minutes as she will become irritated. but if she is a playful dog than they should get along well.

    • Yes , If your golden retriever gets along with other dogs then you will be just fine ,Just watch when you get your puppy , seeing as the golden retriever will be bigger than the puppy and wont really know how to adjust to the smallness , Just keep and eye on them and over time your golden retriever will know how rough he/she can play :)Hope this helps

    • She probably would if she likes other dogs, but really it is up to you to decide that! I would give it a try. We had a playful happy rottweiler (8 years old) and we brought home a five pound, energetic puppy and they got along great! I'm sure that if they lived together and were around each other a lot they would become friends. GOOD LUCK!

    • probally. golden retrievers are usually great with other dogs AND puppies. if she is playful & friendly with other dogs, most likely she'll do well with a puppy. good luck :)

    • They should get along. Introduce them before you bring the puppy home. Make sure the puppys energy level isn't that of a border collie, your dog is getting a little older now and may not tolerate extremely energetic puppies very well! Good luck!

    • if your golden is playful, then she would most likely get along with a puppy. you should introduce the two in small intervals and increase the length over time because the beagle is a puppy and may be frightened. considering the beagle will be in a new place, a new dog to play with may make your beagle more comfortable, but may also be scary for her. she will be traumatized enough as it is coming to a new home.hope this helps!

    • Yes, yes, yes :)We have an 11 year old Lab / Golden mix and a 11 month old Golden Retriever mix, and then brought home a Puggle (Pug / Beagle mix) about 4 months ago when he was 8 weeks old. They all get along, even when the Puggle is attacking them (playfully). They are fun to watch. Golden Retrievers have great personalities and get along with everyone, just like Labs do, including other dogs and puppies. I don't think you will have any problems. Just remember to introduce them slowly and supervised...have someone with you to help. Ours were first introduced through our fence for about a month because I was worried because the puppy was so small that I thought the other dogs would eat him...lol. Then my husband and I together, with the puppy on a leash, took him into the back yard to introduce them. It all worked out. Now I can leave the puppy in the yard whenever I need a "babysitter" for him and I don't have to worry. Here is a link to see them at playhttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j23/Bearycute1/5-19-09GizDoug-1.jpgGood luck with yours.