How long does it tippically take to train a beagle.?

I just got my beagle about a month ago. He is 7 months now. He is getting better with potty training but is still having a little bit of trouble. My mom wants to get rid of him and i love him sooooo much.. So, to show her that it takes more than a…

    How long does it tippically take to train a beagle.?

    I just got my beagle about a month ago. He is 7 months now. He is getting better with potty training but is still having a little bit of trouble. My mom wants to get rid of him and i love him sooooo much.. So, to show her that it takes more than a…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How long does it tippically take to train a beagle.?...

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    • How long does it tippically take to train a beagle.?

      How long does it tippically take to train a beagle.? Dog Breed Discussions
      I just got my beagle about a month ago. He is 7 months now. He is getting better with potty training but is still having a little bit of trouble. My mom wants to get rid of him and i love him sooooo much.. So, to show her that it takes more than a month can you pleaseeeeee answere how long tipically it takes to house train...THANkS=]

      How long does it tippically take to train a beagle.?

      How long does it tippically take to train a beagle.? Dog Breed Discussions
    • On potty training a month should do it. You have to be very consistent with training for it to work. Ask your mother for a few more weeks, and get more serious with the training. You have to be strong and determined for it to work. And there will also be mistakes and accidents from time to time. That is just part of having a dog - it is the same as children who occasionally spill things. Not being properly housetrained really isn't cause to give up a dog - you just have to work harder to train him.

    • Depends on your beagle :). I have two, and both were essentially potty trained at about 3.5-4 months, but still with the rare accident. Your mom needs to understand that switching homes is going to set him back in his training, because he's so young. If you stay consistent, he will get it! Stay positive and praise him when he potties outside, like he just did the best thing ever. Beagles love to be praised. Maybe even give him a tiny treat when he potties outside, they love food! They are stubborn, but once you get him trained he will be the best dog you've ever had!

    • It really depends on the dog and the methods used. There is no set time for how long it "should" take. If he's still having accidents then you need to evaluate WHY: was he left unsupervised, did he just eat or drink, did he go too long without a bathroom break, did somebody miss his potty signs, are you using "pee pee pads"?Put him on a feeding schedule if he isn't already on one. Monitor water intake. He should be let out after eating or drinking. He should also be let out after sleeping and playing. Go back to basics and take him out every hour or two in between these "events". If you're using any "indoor training aids" then ditch them - they're utterly useless.Proper supervision - watch for potty signs. If you have to, tether the dog to you or use baby gates to block access to rooms out of your sight.

    • It could take up to 2-5 months. Its different for every dog and depends on how consistent you are. Don't give up on your dog and don't get frustrated with him.

    • Either have the dog tied to you (umbilical) or in his crate. ALWAYS supervise! I got a 6 month golden retriever who wasn't potty trained (she is now 7 mos) she is getting better but still pees occasionally. Take him out when excited, mid playtime, before and after eating.... Exercise is the key. When I take her for 45 minutes in the morning with lots of pee breaks, she is happy all day but when I take her for 30 minutes, she'll pee and poo everywhere even with access to the backyard. You defs have to be patient and give it 6 months, then make a decision.