How to train a beagle to track?

How can i train my beagle to look for something/someone?

    How to train a beagle to track?

    How can i train my beagle to look for something/someone?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to train a beagle to track?...

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    • How to train a beagle to track?

      How to train a beagle to track? Dog Breed Discussions
      How can i train my beagle to look for something/someone?

      How to train a beagle to track?

      How to train a beagle to track? Dog Breed Discussions
    • From the time they are puppies, you can teach the beagle how to use their nose to track what they so desire. One way to begin this process is by playing hide and seek with treats. Let the beagle sniff a dog treat in your hands. Once they have taken to the smell have someone hold them while you drag the treat on the floor through the house. Hide the treat inside a closed area and let the beagle go wild. Do not open the drawer or closet until the beagle howls at the hiding spot.You can further expand on this by buying toys that simulate a small rabbit or squirrel. Try buying a stuffed animal and putting treats in it or underneath it. This will train the beagle to track desired scents and what to look for as they reach the end of that scent. Once they find the stuffed animal, praise them and make sure they know they did good by you. These are all tricks you can do when the beagle is still a puppy.To finalize scent tracking, try taking a squirrel or rabbit skin and dragging it throughout the yard. You can find these at stores or order them off the Internet. Make sure you do it in a controlled area because the beagle might find another smell they like better and take off. Let them go and follow behind them. Once they find the animal skin, praise them. Continue doing this until you feel as if the beagle can be trusted to stick to that scent.The last part of training your beagle to hunt is getting them used to the sound of a gun. A lot of times, dogs become scared of the bang discharged from the gun. It is understandable that the loud bang could be scary. From the time you get them, slowly introduce them to the gun. Hearing it a few times will let them know there is nothing to be afraid of.The main idea behind training your beagle to hunt is to introduce them to it slowly. It is easier to do if you start when they are young. Get them used to tracking things and use to the hunting mentality and you and your beagle will great adventures.