What are some good things about a beagle?

Hi, I'm thinking to get a beagle kind dog. I heard a lot of pepole opinion about it, but I dont know if it is good or not for me. Can you tell me a some bad and good thing about a beagle.If you have one, you must know a lot, it would be really nice to…

    What are some good things about a beagle?

    Hi, I'm thinking to get a beagle kind dog. I heard a lot of pepole opinion about it, but I dont know if it is good or not for me. Can you tell me a some bad and good thing about a beagle.If you have one, you must know a lot, it would be really nice to…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What are some good things about a beagle?...

    • What are some good things about a beagle?

      What are some good things about a beagle? Dog Breed Discussions
      Hi, I'm thinking to get a beagle kind dog. I heard a lot of pepole opinion about it, but I dont know if it is good or not for me. Can you tell me a some bad and good thing about a beagle.If you have one, you must know a lot, it would be really nice to help me,.

      What are some good things about a beagle?

      What are some good things about a beagle? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Had one as a kid. The bark was horrible! It was rather like a combination of a howl and a bark, long and drawn out. And they track (sniff) everywhere. BUT he was a sweet smaller dog, which I appreciated back then.

    • Beagles are great rabbit hunters. I've worked with them for years. They can be but don't want to be a pet. They had rather hunt. They don't bark per se, but rather let out a howl. They are friendly, and sweet. But if you want a house dog, go for the number one rated pet. A Labrador Retriever and second a Golden Retreiver. Both are very loving and obedient, and want to please you. Personally, I like goldies over labs, but goldies shed like crazy. You will spend a lot of time brushing them. I have never met a stupid lab or goldie. Both are very intelligent.

    • beagles are very loving and caring dogs, but do have some things u need to consider before getting them. first, where do you live? if you are in an apartment building this is not a good dog for you due to their extremely loud bark. it also needs a good amount of exercise. another thing to consider is that they are hunting dogs and will follow their nose. my friend has told me he needed to replace his electric fence with a normal fence because his dog would walk through it regardless of the shock. all in all, i love beagles and they are great pets, if u can take good care of them.

    • See if you can tell which are good and which are bad charactaristics: They howl a lot.They are a nice compact size.They tend to be friendly and affectionate if raised well. Short easy to care for coat.Can be high energy- love to play hard outside.Love to smell everything.They do better with positive reinforcement training than with correction training. (Consider clicker training if you get a Beagle.)They need to be carefully taught to come when called... they don't tend to do that naturally. They are not the kind of dog to stick near the owner without specific training. (Look for Leslie Nelson's DVD: Really Reliable Recall.) They shed a lot.Some are difficult to house train.They smell like hound dogs. They can be prone to ear, joint, eye and skin problems.They can be really sweet dogs.

    • Pros: They are small. They don't need lots of grooming. They are very cute. They are popular and therefore easy to find in animal shelters and rescues. Check www.petfinder.com and/or your local SPCA and animal shelter.Cons: They make a lot of noise...howling and baying. It can drive you and the neighbors crazy. They are high energy when young and need lots of exercise. They can be hard to train compared to many of the other breeds.

    • Beagles make great pets.What you will find is that the "bad" points about Beagles are actually their "good" points.They are probably more social than any other breed, and do not do well if left alone for extended periods of time. But this means that they get along with other dogs very well, and are friendly to everyone.Beagles were developed to run rabbits in a circle back to the hunter for the shot. Because of this they are prone to running off if given the chance, but if they do, don't chase after them, wait for them to return instead. Walking toward a Beagle is how you tell it to expand it's hunt, so never chase a Beagle, it will only end up farther away.We have spent decades and more money than a person can envision developing the "mouth" on Beagles, and that bark is a prized part of what makes a dog a Beagle. But, any dog can be trained to be quiet.It is almost imposable to train a Beagle in the conventional manor, but they will train them selves to be a very loving responsive pet.

    • The good stuff...They are loveable, friendly, sweet and fun.They are short, so your fence doesn't need to be tall.They love love love to walk, run and fetch stuff.They are beautifully colored, have pretty eyes, and are cute.They prefer to live outside, and don't eat too much.They never get really big. The ones that aren't good hunters are great pets.They are pretty obedient. They don't want to be on your lap all the time.They follow you around like you're their hero.Of course, if you do not like the "Baaarooooo" howl sound, you don't want one. Some people can't stand it. I kind of like it. Best place to get a pet beagle or beagle mix is at a dog pound, because if they aren't good at hunting, their owners just dump them off and get a new dog. But usually they have trained them pretty well. We have had three beagle mix dogs, with dominant beagle characteristics. Harvey and Wilbur lived nice long lives together as best pals, and after Harvey died, Wilbur just gave up too. We missed their silliness, so we picked up a beagle/bassett mix at the pound, and he named himself on our first walk together. I sat down, asked him what his name was, and he said, "Baarooo! Baaarooo!" so it stuck. He generally only howls like that if he needs food or water or a walk. Beagles are as happy in a ditch or mud puddle as they are on a clean dogbed, so just know they have some odor to them. But when they do their happy dances, you just gotta love a beagle!

    • I got my mostly Beagle at the local animal shelter. She's a sweetie. She's not a barky Beagle. But she sheds like anything. She's a little on the stinky side, but I think that's a hound thing. She sniffs everything and when she's done sniffing, she sniffs again, just to make sure the smell hasn't changed. She needs to be near her people and sleeps with me at night. I never thought I'd like a sent hound, but I wouldn't give my Maggie up for anything. She's a great little doggie. Good luck with finding a doggie.