If i live in a studio with a small patio, is it okay to have a beagle at home with me working during day time?

Is it possible to train a beagle not to bite/destory stuffs while I am away from home?

    If i live in a studio with a small patio, is it okay to have a beagle at home with me working during day time?

    Is it possible to train a beagle not to bite/destory stuffs while I am away from home?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : If i live in a studio with a small patio, is it okay to have a beagle at home with me working during day time?...

    • If i live in a studio with a small patio, is it okay to have a beagle at home with me working during day time?

      If i live in a studio with a small patio, is it okay to have a beagle at home with me working during day time? Dog Breed Discussions
      Is it possible to train a beagle not to bite/destory stuffs while I am away from home?

      If i live in a studio with a small patio, is it okay to have a beagle at home with me working during day time?

      If i live in a studio with a small patio, is it okay to have a beagle at home with me working during day time? Dog Breed Discussions
    • It is possible, but it will take perseverence and patience. Will you be too tired when you get home? Also will the dog be lonley.There are many factors to consider before making a lifetime committment to an animal.

    • Yes, it's possible. I would definatley start out by crate training first though. When you aren't there to watch him, have him in a crate. Then slowly introduce him to being free in the house. For the first time, maybe leave for 10 minutes or so, and see how he does. Then start increasing the time you are gone without him in the crate until you know you can trust him. I waited until my dog was 1 1/2 years old before I let him have free run of the house. And he's wonderful now. I can leave him all day, and he won't touch a single thing....except maybe his toys and water! :) A big thing with having a dog in a small space though is going to be making sure you get out and walk with him A LOT! Dogs (no matter what breed) need a lot of exercise.

    • I don't believe in keeping one dog as dogs are pack animals. So, in my opinion, 2 dogs would be better.I am not a big beagle fan as they are scent hounds and their noses get them into a lot of trouble. It can also cause problems with housebreaking as they are always attracted to the same spot due to the smell (we don't smell as well as any dog, especially a beagle). They also love trash. I have known many pet beagles and they are great dogs but, the families were home with them.All puppies chew. It is the owners job to make sure they chew on the right things. Don't give this dog shoes or socks as toys (unless they have never been worn). They will associate your scent with chewing.You can crate train your dog. But, I never liked the idea of a pup (a baby) beening kept in a box for 8 hours a day/ 5 days a week. They can't hold it that long and it is unfair to them. If you have friends or neighbors that can help you while the pup is young, it could work. Having a neighbor walk your pup twice a day while your at work would be great. Hope this helps. And good luck!

    • Yes, it is possible if you crate train BUT beagles are known barkers and howlers. If you live in an apartment, a beagle is probably not such a fabulous choice.