How can I get my beagle to stop howling at strangers that come in the house?

My beagle is about 2 years old. About a year ago he started to howl at every new person that comes in my house. It will take numerous visits before he gets used to anyone. If I try and reprimand him or calm him down he doesn't care, he just keeps howling…

    How can I get my beagle to stop howling at strangers that come in the house?

    My beagle is about 2 years old. About a year ago he started to howl at every new person that comes in my house. It will take numerous visits before he gets used to anyone. If I try and reprimand him or calm him down he doesn't care, he just keeps howling…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I get my beagle to stop howling at strangers that come in the house?...

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    • How can I get my beagle to stop howling at strangers that come in the house?

      How can I get my beagle to stop howling at strangers that come in the house? Dog Breed Discussions
      My beagle is about 2 years old. About a year ago he started to howl at every new person that comes in my house. It will take numerous visits before he gets used to anyone. If I try and reprimand him or calm him down he doesn't care, he just keeps howling at them. Is there any way to stop this? I know beagles are howlers but people hate him because of this and he is so wonderful, he's getting a bad rap!

      How can I get my beagle to stop howling at strangers that come in the house?

      How can I get my beagle to stop howling at strangers that come in the house? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Keep him on a leash when you know someone is coming over. Everytime he barks yank the leash once quickly and say "no" quickly and loudly after a bit he should understand and you can let him of the leash but you might have to still say no. Be consistent or it won't work.

    • The real question is how often do you let strangers just walk right into your house? Thank god the beagle is there to alert you to intruders in your home!

    • Ask a beagle breeder or sign him up for training classes at a petstore. Taking him to training classes every week will possibly help discourage the howling problem. I used to have a female beagle mix but it was VERY rare to hear her bark or use alomst any kind of vocalization. Sadly she pasted away in September of 2004.

    • As soon as he gets ready to howl make a loud shh noise and make him sit down. and if he keeps trying then do it again. It may take a few times but as soon as he realizes that you are boss then he will give up. Just remember it usually gets worse before it gets better, right now he thinks he is in charge of you and your home so you need to show him that you are the leader.

    • If anything happened to him by a stranger he is just tramutized. When he howls put him on his leash ,say NO , then make him sit , stare at him ( not in his eyes but at his forhead. KEEP doing that and saying NO until he stops. Also yank his leash.

    • put him on a leash and when he looks like he is about to howl give the leash a quick snap and say "shh!" wait 'til he is completely calm before letting your friends in. have a friend practice with you. 1:have him ring the bell. 2:keep your beagle calm with the shh! and the leash. 3: when he calms down let your friend in. 4: have your friend give him a treat if he remains calm.

    • Put a basket on your front porch with Scooby Snacks in it. Post a card on the door asking politely that all visitors please offer a treat upon meeting your beagle - associate strangers with pleasant things. He may of had a bad experience with one that you don't know about!