How to encourage my beagle to eat her food?

She is a 12 year old beagle and she just always thinks something better is coming. Which it is not but she waits allllll day to eat her food. And sometimes the other dog eats her food if we don't put it up. Which if we put it up then she can't eat it.…

    How to encourage my beagle to eat her food?

    She is a 12 year old beagle and she just always thinks something better is coming. Which it is not but she waits allllll day to eat her food. And sometimes the other dog eats her food if we don't put it up. Which if we put it up then she can't eat it.…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to encourage my beagle to eat her food?...

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    • How to encourage my beagle to eat her food?

      How to encourage my beagle to eat her food? Dog Breed Discussions
      She is a 12 year old beagle and she just always thinks something better is coming. Which it is not but she waits allllll day to eat her food. And sometimes the other dog eats her food if we don't put it up. Which if we put it up then she can't eat it. See the dilemma? Any suggestions?We have tried putting oil in the food but to much is not good and water and she is smart and knows its just water.

      How to encourage my beagle to eat her food?

      How to encourage my beagle to eat her food? Dog Breed Discussions
    • i think youve spoilt her =)she is as you say used to eating all the good stuff. I think you just have to leave her and not give in to her. If she gets hungry enough then she will eat. About the other dog eating her food, maybe lock her up for a bit and see if she eats it.

    • If this has been a recent issue for her maybe she is having some tooth issues. She's getting up there in age and it may just be uncomfortable.Also, dogs senses get weaker with age just as humans do, she may not be able to smell the food as well, she might think you're trying to change her food on her. Try fish oil just puncture a gel cap in her food, it's good for her skin and heart, and it's got a bit of smell to it.

    • I got thinking.,,, I saw your other post that the dog farts alot. She may be constipated, that would be why she doesn't want to if you can give her more fiber like some veggies or fruit it may help, if she is regular she will be more likely to eat

    • I didn't ever have any problems with my Beagle eating. Are you exercising her? I found mixing some warm water in the food to make gravy helped. Have you tried different brands, or even mixing a little meat drippings with the food? I think that would help.