How do i get my beagle to walk on a leash?

I have an 8 month old beagle puppy that, for a puppy, is very well behaved except for the fact she won't follow me on the leash. The dog doesn't pull me on the leash, i have to drag her to the point she starts choking because she is so intent on…

    How do i get my beagle to walk on a leash?

    I have an 8 month old beagle puppy that, for a puppy, is very well behaved except for the fact she won't follow me on the leash. The dog doesn't pull me on the leash, i have to drag her to the point she starts choking because she is so intent on…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do i get my beagle to walk on a leash?...

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    • How do i get my beagle to walk on a leash?

      How do i get my beagle to walk on a leash? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have an 8 month old beagle puppy that, for a puppy, is very well behaved except for the fact she won't follow me on the leash. The dog doesn't pull me on the leash, i have to drag her to the point she starts choking because she is so intent on sniffing the grass. I had a beagle as a child and it did the same thing but then I had a backyard and didn't need to walk it 5 times a day. I try to scold her when stops and praise her when she walks good but I don't think she's getting it, anyone have any suggestions?

      How do i get my beagle to walk on a leash?

      How do i get my beagle to walk on a leash? Dog Breed Discussions
    • my dog waz the same way, you gottta run with her on a leash keep pulling her and praise her whenever she gets it. try holding treats in front of her , well my dog got it quickyl hopefully your dog well soon get it to. ALSo watch the dog whisperer there are some episodes that involve that problem and great solutions!GOOD LUCK!!

    • I have Bloodhounds, so I know what you're talking about. Unfortunately both are scent hounds and this is what they do. Do you have a dog park where she could run off-leash? I would suggest a training collar. Give her a correction and say "leave it". Keep working on it. How about a local puppy obedience class? Great fun and you can probably get good support.

    • First off, I would by a harness so you are not choking the dog. Walk ahead of the dog, call him and hold a treat down for him. Keep doing this and eventually he will get what you are wanting him to do. Be patient. He will get the hang of it eventually.

    • Hi I have two beagles and one loves walking on a leash and the other doesn't. For starters I would suggest getting a harness for you pup. A regular one or the kind that tighten if they pull this at least will prevent your doggy from choking themselves. The other thing is that I start by taking my dogs to a feild where I can let them be sniff and hunt. It's their nature so don't try to fight it too much. I use the key words "you lead" when it's their time and "this way" when I want them to come with me. Finally, like most beagles, mine are food and treat oriented. If I really want them by my side I have a treat in my hand that they can see and smell after a few feet they get their reward. And so on. But to be very honset they are a stubborn breed and I have had to carry my little girl pup (who is 4 and fully able to walk if she wants too) home from our walk. Also it might help to go for short walks to start or in a forest preserve or dog park where your dog has some freedom to sniff and roam a bit to get the energy out.Hope this helps, good luck.

    • Don't pull at all. When you pull a dog forward, it's instinct is to pull back, so stop that right away. Don't scold either. Beagles don't respond to scolding, it just scares and confuses them. Put the leash on your beagle while she's in a "sit". Have the leash in your left hand and some kibble or low calorie treats like Charlie Bears in your right hand. Show her a treat and give a command like "Let's go!"Start walking, holding the treat above her head. When she goes with you, praise her and pop the treat in her mouth. Repeat this over and over, TALKING TO HER CONSTANTLY to keep her focussed on you. She will eventually "get it". The thing to remember is that they are easily distracted by scents, so after she walks with you cooperatively, allow her some tracking time, too, as a reward.