How do I stop my male Beagle to stop marking territory in the house?

My un-neutered Beagle keeps marking his territory in the house! He's 3 yrs. old. I had another male dog (a mixed breed) for 13 yrs. & he never did his thing in the house.

    How do I stop my male Beagle to stop marking territory in the house?

    My un-neutered Beagle keeps marking his territory in the house! He's 3 yrs. old. I had another male dog (a mixed breed) for 13 yrs. & he never did his thing in the house....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I stop my male Beagle to stop marking territory in the house?...

    • How do I stop my male Beagle to stop marking territory in the house?

      How do I stop my male Beagle to stop marking territory in the house? Dog Breed Discussions
      My un-neutered Beagle keeps marking his territory in the house! He's 3 yrs. old. I had another male dog (a mixed breed) for 13 yrs. & he never did his thing in the house.

      How do I stop my male Beagle to stop marking territory in the house?

      How do I stop my male Beagle to stop marking territory in the house? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Put a comdom over his penis. Wrap a rubber band around his balls. Put him outside. Tell him (no no bad dog) then spank him with your hand on the butt. Just like a child they have tobe trained or they will do what ever they like.

    • You need to remove the urine that your dog is leaving when he marks his territory. It's because he smells the other dog, that he's making your house HIS. First, get his urine on an old towel and place it outside where you want him to go. Purchase Nature's Miracle stain and odor remover from Petsmart, and clean your house really will with it and a carpet shampooer, also, get your dog neutered and do the cleaning while he is at the vet.

    • I train dogs and this is a common problem, he is not altered, so he has the boy dog tendancys to mark EVERYWHERE. You need to serioulsy consider getting him neutered. If that is not what you wanna do, EVERYTIME (consistency is the key) he sprays you tell him NO you need to make him feel bad, he doesnt wanna make you upset with him and take him outside. You also need to take a rag and get the pee on it show it to him outside and tell him "peepee outside". let him smell it so he can realize its his and then leave him outside with the rag. Go inside and clean clean clean the spot good. you MUST do this whole ordeal everytime. or he will not stop. ask him several time during the day if he needs to pee pee. neutering and gettign rid of that habit will help the best. Just know that it will take about 6 months for his hormone level to adjust and him to mellow out. If you live with other people you need to amke sure that everyone does this and that you get upset with him they are all upset with him so he cant get comfort from anyone.-Good luck