What type of dog will keep my beagle occupied while I am at work?

Im sure all of you beagle owners have a problem like mine. I have a 2 year old beagle that does nothing but wine and bark when I am not in the apartment. I refuse to get her a shock collar to stop the barking, so I was thinking of getting her another…

    What type of dog will keep my beagle occupied while I am at work?

    Im sure all of you beagle owners have a problem like mine. I have a 2 year old beagle that does nothing but wine and bark when I am not in the apartment. I refuse to get her a shock collar to stop the barking, so I was thinking of getting her another…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What type of dog will keep my beagle occupied while I am at work?...

    • What type of dog will keep my beagle occupied while I am at work?

      What type of dog will keep my beagle occupied while I am at work? Dog Breed Discussions
      Im sure all of you beagle owners have a problem like mine. I have a 2 year old beagle that does nothing but wine and bark when I am not in the apartment. I refuse to get her a shock collar to stop the barking, so I was thinking of getting her another beagle or something or the same size to keep her happy while im at work or with the lady. What should I get or for fellow beagle owners, does having another beagle keep them happy and quiet?

      What type of dog will keep my beagle occupied while I am at work?

      What type of dog will keep my beagle occupied while I am at work? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You could always get her toys to keep her occupied :) A kongball would be ideal; put peanut butter in it and the dog stays busy for hours. It works great for my Mal mix :)Another dog may not help at all; you could just end up with TWO whinning dogs, instead of one.

    • another dog is not going to solve the problem ... your dog has separation anxiety and is not just bored ... your new dog will just learn to bark and make noise from the current one ... have you considered more exercise, tire the dog out before you leave ??? would you consider crate training ??? and a shock collar would be extreme but what about a citronella collar would not ... not cruel and stopped my dog barking in the apartment within a week ...

    • I have the same kind of problem. My 2 year old beagle that my family adopted 3 weeks ago has horrible seperation anxiety. Toys don't work to keep him occupied; stuffed Kongs don't work either. He just ignores them. If you don't already have a crate, buy one- it is like a den or a safe place for a dog to stay. Also buy a Kong. A good way to keep a dog occupied for a good deal of time is to smear the inside walls with peanut butter, stick kibble to the walls, and make a kibble/peanut butter mix (so that it is thick) to fill it inside. Then cut a piece of apple without the skin to clog the holes. Maybe this will keep your dog quieter. My dog just ignores it though and barks and whines and everything. You can leave soft music playing for the dog, or put the TV on. Also get him used to being alone for short periods of time- start with a minute or two, then 5, then 10, then 15, and keep building up. Or leave when the dog is asleep. As for another dog, just about any breed will be good if they are well socialized and properly introduced. You probably want to get a dog that isn't drastically larger or smaller than your first- another beagle will be fine, but make sure your first one is well trained. I've heard it's hard to train 2 dogs at once. I actually think it is a great idea to have two dogs, since beagles have always lived in large packs and were rarely, if ever, completely alone. If you don't want another beagle, consider a cocker spaniel, which is smart, friendly, less stubborn than a beagle, and about the same size. They require special grooming though, so if you don't want to deal with that, another breed would be better. A miniature schanuzer also requires some grooming, but could be great if you don't mind that. You can visit a local animal shelter to see if any dogs catch your eye also. If you want to get a purebred, here is a list of medium-sized dog breeds: http://www.petwave.com/Dogs/Dog-Breed-Center/Medium.aspx Good luck!