How can I get my beagle to stop barking?

I have a one and a half year old un-neutered, male beagle who barks excessively every time he goes outside. We have to let him out in the front of our house and he barks at every squirrel, dog, cat and kid in the neighborhood. I've tried just about…

    How can I get my beagle to stop barking?

    I have a one and a half year old un-neutered, male beagle who barks excessively every time he goes outside. We have to let him out in the front of our house and he barks at every squirrel, dog, cat and kid in the neighborhood. I've tried just about…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I get my beagle to stop barking?...

    • How can I get my beagle to stop barking?

      How can I get my beagle to stop barking? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a one and a half year old un-neutered, male beagle who barks excessively every time he goes outside. We have to let him out in the front of our house and he barks at every squirrel, dog, cat and kid in the neighborhood. I've tried just about everything and can't get him to stop. Any ideas??

      How can I get my beagle to stop barking?

      How can I get my beagle to stop barking? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You are fighting a loosing battle.. beagles bark, that is breed specific.. They are a OLD HUNTING BREED... they bark and they EAT allot.. they can get overweight fast.. I would not try to curb the barking other than walking him.. ALLOT.. He will need a minimum of 1 to 2 hours in the am.. 4 to 6 hours of exercises\ a day maximum. You would surprised at how much exercise curbs barking.. but he is a beagle, he is going to bark.. You may have to get up early and play with him..

    • Beagles bark, that's just what they do! That's what they were breed to do. (bark at animals/people who could be intruders)The only thing I can think of is that you could get a shock collar...?That's kind of cruel though, because it's just his nature to bark at stuff.Good Luck!

    • this worked for my indoor pup when she would cry at night, but it's worth mentioning:get a cheapo spray bottle from walmart in the travel cosmetics aisle.fill it with water.when he barks, spray him. it will surprise him and make him realize that he is not making you happy.good luck!

    • While beagles are notorious barkers, you can teach them an appropriate time and place for the barking - which doesn't eliminate it completely but will decrease it significantly. The first thing to do is to make certain that you are providing your beagle with enough exercise, activity, and socialization. The beagle is a working dog and it appears this beagle may need a job (with the absence of a job it has assigned itself the job of being the "alerter". A beagle also needs to be socialized well to minimize the barking. Get them used to as many types of experiences as possible. Next, find out what will trigger your beagle to bark. Here's some of my experiences . . .One of our beagles had an issue with seeing kids on bikes. After watching the behavior we realized that he was scared and unsure of the bikes and kids with bikes. We were able to have him be around a kid learning to ride a bike, see everyone involved cheering him on, got used to the noise - and wala no more barking at bikes. This same beagle had a real issue with when the neighbors would have company arrive. He seemed to bring it upon himself to notify them that their company had arrived. After watching the behavior for a while, we worked with him on reassuring him that it was okay for people to arrive at the neighbors home. After working with him for a while, he no longer barks at their company but watches and wags his tail when they arrive. Good luck. Once you've got the right amount of exercise, activity, and socialization going, then it's just a matter of working with one trigger at a time. It won't happen overnight, but your beagle will e a better member of your home and community for the extra effort you put in.