How much is a 5 month old beagle meant to have to eat?

We have had our 5 month old beagle for just over a week, she isn't fat (yet) but I am concerned about what I am feeding her, any advice? For the days we have had her we have been given her two handfuls from a coles pedigree dog food.

    How much is a 5 month old beagle meant to have to eat?

    We have had our 5 month old beagle for just over a week, she isn't fat (yet) but I am concerned about what I am feeding her, any advice? For the days we have had her we have been given her two handfuls from a coles pedigree dog food....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How much is a 5 month old beagle meant to have to eat?...

    • How much is a 5 month old beagle meant to have to eat?

      How much is a 5 month old beagle meant to have to eat? Dog Breed Discussions
      We have had our 5 month old beagle for just over a week, she isn't fat (yet) but I am concerned about what I am feeding her, any advice? For the days we have had her we have been given her two handfuls from a coles pedigree dog food.

      How much is a 5 month old beagle meant to have to eat?

      How much is a 5 month old beagle meant to have to eat? Dog Breed Discussions
    • this goes by weight and the package of dog food will tell what the dog should be getting in one day this should be divided into 2 meals more than likely what you are giving is not enough

    • Weigh your dog. Then look on the food bag for ranges of feeding. Go to the lowest suggested amount for the weight your pup is. Then use a measuring cup, not your hands. Measure it out, dividing the total amount on the bag into 2 feedings per day. Do not give human food, and give only one type of treat and just one or 2 a day.Beagles tend to get fat, so it's good that you are thinking about it now. Have the dog spayed at 6 months of age, and watch weight after spaying --hormones affect the weight gain, too.The inexpensive foods require you to feed more. I would stay with a premium dog food that is easy to find. Most dogs get fat from either guessing at how much they're getting or from too many treats or both.

    • Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide, to what you are feeding now unless you are seeing problems. Many people failed to leave well enough alone and had to go through a half dozen or more ''better foods'' before finding one the dog did as well on as the original.

    • Go by her age and weight and the food - it's all on the bag or the Pedigree website. Per the website, a 5 month old puppy weight 10-20 pounds should eat 1.75 to 3.5 cups of food per day. At that age my beagle ate 1.75 to 2 cups a day (divided into two meals), but she was on a better quality food (less filler) so you'll likely have to feed more.

    • Considering you're feeding Pedigree you'll likely have to feed more.On my TOTW ALS it says to feed puppies 5-7 months old (And I'm assuming she's 10-30 pounds) to feed 1-1/3 to 3-1/2 cups.Here's the full chart: shouldn't go by handfuls, instead go by cups.