how do i teach my beagle to stop barking?

i have a 4mo old beagle, and he recently has been very yappy an crazy. how do i teach him not to bark. (we live in an apartment) no type of punnishment seems to work. ive tried a spray bottle, but he tries to drink it, ive yelled, ive left the room,…

    how do i teach my beagle to stop barking?

    i have a 4mo old beagle, and he recently has been very yappy an crazy. how do i teach him not to bark. (we live in an apartment) no type of punnishment seems to work. ive tried a spray bottle, but he tries to drink it, ive yelled, ive left the room,…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : how do i teach my beagle to stop barking?...

    • how do i teach my beagle to stop barking?

      how do i teach my beagle to stop barking? Dog Breed Discussions
      i have a 4mo old beagle, and he recently has been very yappy an crazy. how do i teach him not to bark. (we live in an apartment) no type of punnishment seems to work. ive tried a spray bottle, but he tries to drink it, ive yelled, ive left the room, nothing works. any tips would be great?

      how do i teach my beagle to stop barking?

      how do i teach my beagle to stop barking? Dog Breed Discussions
    • There's a dog collar that sprays your dog's chin when he barks called the "ABS Collar". You can ask your vetenarian for one. :D This stops the dog from barking because of the feel sight and sound of the spray. But this should only be used when other methods fail. This shouldnt be used with a puppy with seperation axiety

    • Beagles are a hunting dog and can be very protective. They have a very loud nature (they bark and howl all the time). I'm sure that there is something you can do but I dont know what it'd be. They have these things that are electric and come on a collar and shock them when they bark...I'd never use that but each is own. Good luck...Beagles are cute!!!

    • if your dog is barking because there is "intruders" near the house, let him bark several times and then make him shut up.if he's just barking barking barking away, put on a leash, up high on the neck (near the head) and tug the leash quick and short and say "SHHH." he should start getting the idea of shutting up. its not a miracle trick, but it could help. if your not comfortable doing this, ask a dog behaviorist to see what you can may be medical too. (but i doubt it, just mentioning it) it is known that dogs that can't hear, or hear as well, bark consistantly and more loudly than usual. if you suspect your dog not responding to noise and you calling his name, go to a vet and see if he's deaf. now, i'm not a vet, so there may be other medical things too.

    • Your Puppy just might be telling you that he needs more play time with you - or more exercise.Try gently holding his mouth and saying "quiet - or no barking, or Shhh" - whatever.The No Bark Collars usually work very well.One type gives a little type of a shock, and from all that I have read, these stop the barking very soon.The other kind sprays them with Citronella - not sure how well this one works, though.It takes a lot of your time and attention - don't get discouraged - just keep at it.Best of luck.

    • You can't thats a characteristic of there breed. You should never buy a hound dog and live anywhere but the country. Its just mean. There barking is just their nature. I know because I have a dachound and she does it to, I get on to her but as far as physical punishment I DONT do.

    • Beagles are a barky breed plus you have a puppy who is excitable. When you yell, it sounds to him as if you are joining in the barking so it doesn't help much.If you are desperate (the neighbors are threatening) you can look into citronella bark collars. They have a little box that responds to the barking vibrations and sends a 'whoosh' of air/citronella at your dog's face. I think it's the blast of air that gets your dog's attention. It's a temporary solution that you can use together with training him what to bark at, what not to bark at and when to quit. Most dogs figure out what the bark collar is all about and resume barking when it's not on them. Lots of places sell them so you can look for a good price.

    • You bought a breed of dog that was bred for its voice. That bugling baying sound was bred into the dog so that the hunters could hear the pack (and you don't have a pack to entertain him do you?) over a long distance. The noisyness comes naturally to him.Punishing a dog is ineffective. Make sure he gets LOTS of exercise (little dog was bred to chase rabbits for hours and hours). Redirect his attention elsewhere (toss something that will make a noise and praise him the moment he's quiet.. continue to pet/pay attention to him ONLY when he is quiet.. do not even look at him if he is making noise). Give him lots of things to do when you cannot pay attention to him.. kong with peanut butter, chew toys, bones.Don't forget.. a tired puppy is a good puppy... more exercise!Realize the more time you invest in you pup's first year of life the better dog he will be. Good Luck!