How to get my beagle to like my cats?

I have had my beagle for almost a week. And she does not like my cats. She howls at them and has chased one of them. I have 3 cats and I love the dog and the cats. Please give me ways to help them.

    How to get my beagle to like my cats?

    I have had my beagle for almost a week. And she does not like my cats. She howls at them and has chased one of them. I have 3 cats and I love the dog and the cats. Please give me ways to help them....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to get my beagle to like my cats?...

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    • How to get my beagle to like my cats?

      How to get my beagle to like my cats? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have had my beagle for almost a week. And she does not like my cats. She howls at them and has chased one of them. I have 3 cats and I love the dog and the cats. Please give me ways to help them.

      How to get my beagle to like my cats?

      How to get my beagle to like my cats? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You will never get her to like them, however you can get her to understand she cannot chase them. That will be hard to train as beagle are hunting dogs and love to chase small animals or anything that they think remotely resembles one.Maybe you should have though about this before trying to house the two species.

    • carry each cat and present it to your dog caressing the cat and the dog at the same time, making approving noises if the dog behaves. make it clear that the cats are rightful occupants and acceptable to you.

    • My beagle chases my cats all the time, what you have to teach them is NEVER bite them but let them chase the cats, its fun for dogs and my cat even gets my dog to chase her because she enjoys it as well...When I first got the cat my dog would not leave it alone it took near a month for her to settle down and now they sleep together:)