How do you train an unruly beagle? She barks at everything and is always trying to get out and chase things.?

The main reason I'm asking is because my beagle recently got out of the house and ran almost a mile away as I chased her trying to catch her. It was a horrible experience and I just need help trying to get her to calm down and listen. I would appreciate…

    How do you train an unruly beagle? She barks at everything and is always trying to get out and chase things.?

    The main reason I'm asking is because my beagle recently got out of the house and ran almost a mile away as I chased her trying to catch her. It was a horrible experience and I just need help trying to get her to calm down and listen. I would appreciate…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do you train an unruly beagle? She barks at everything and is always trying to get out and chase things.?...

    • How do you train an unruly beagle? She barks at everything and is always trying to get out and chase things.?

      How do you train an unruly beagle? She barks at everything and is always trying to get out and chase things.? Dog Breed Discussions
      The main reason I'm asking is because my beagle recently got out of the house and ran almost a mile away as I chased her trying to catch her. It was a horrible experience and I just need help trying to get her to calm down and listen. I would appreciate any advice.

      How do you train an unruly beagle? She barks at everything and is always trying to get out and chase things.?

      How do you train an unruly beagle? She barks at everything and is always trying to get out and chase things.? Dog Breed Discussions
    • If your dog is barking at people as they walk by, I would suggest that perhaps you try saying "no" in a stern tone of voice and offering your dog an alternative, such as a toy.

    • tom l gave me a very good piece of advice when I was trying to catch a stray beagle where I work. "Never chase a beagle, it causes them to expand their hunt". Boy was he right. Beagles are scent hounds and therefore, ruled by their noses. They get on a scent and are gone. You need to research your breed and get to work training her. In addition, a fence of some sort with any scent hound is almost mandatory.Good luck. Adding - I will star for tom l and hopefully he can give you some detailed advice. He's the beagle expert here. And Judgerz has a beagle, she may be able to help you .

    • That is what beagles do they run and hunt. My son has the same trouble with his beagle Gunner if he gets out you better go hunting for him. They are one fast dog and if they get on the sent of something watch out

    • Beagles have an incredable hunting drive and MUST have training to curb the need to hunt. If necessary, you could use an electric fence and collar around your yard, or, and I speack from recent years experences with my own Beagles.....2 is BETTER....WAY better than 1!!!

    • It may sound mean, but the best thing to do is scare her. Use a water spray or something, or a bottle filled with small stones. If she does something bad like running out the house, spray her or give the bottle a stern shake by her. She will begin to associate this fear with getting out and she won't do it anymore.Give this a few practise runs with the front door, but with her on a lead so she cannot run out. Once she leaves the door when it opens, give her a treat and praise her in a high voice. When disciplining her, use a low voice, so she will recognise the different tones used.Use the same for the barking too, and most importantly, have lots of patience. Dog training takes weeks and can be very tedious, but if you stick to it, it should become second nature to her.

    • Unfortunately this is what a beagle always has, does, and will do. I have not yet been successful in making my beagle calm down a bit. Just enjoy it.One thing that popped into my mind is merely an idea and I haven't tried it, but keep treats readily available. When she gets excited over an animal, put the treat in front of her nose. Will it distract her? Which great love will she choose, chasing animals or food? Please let me know if you try and what the results were, since I'm curious myself. :)

    • Training and tracking classes. The dog will love it!!Don't EVER chase a beagle...Sorry..A picture just came to mind....the beagle running with you chasing after him...

    • You need to find a good obedience program in your area. As for the barking and chasing things, is she barking and chasing other animals? If so, that's what she's breed to do. She's bred to trail critters...usually rabbits, but they will bump a deer or whatever is handy.The only things that is really going to calm her down is exercise. It seems to me, that she's not getting her exercise needs met. There's an expression "A Tired Dog is A Good Dog". She can't possibly listen if she has all this pent up energy that needs to be released. The next time, instead of chasing your dog, turn in run in the opposite direction, while calling her name. By chasing her, it became a "catch me if you can" game. Definately not fun.