How to get my beagle to not kill all small things?

Just recently our family got a puppy beagle, and my cousin's family got a pomeranian recently of about the same age (7 weeks and ours is 9w). Our cousin lives close by and loves to bring the tiny walking fluff over, but our beagle actually attacks it. It…

    How to get my beagle to not kill all small things?

    Just recently our family got a puppy beagle, and my cousin's family got a pomeranian recently of about the same age (7 weeks and ours is 9w). Our cousin lives close by and loves to bring the tiny walking fluff over, but our beagle actually attacks it. It…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to get my beagle to not kill all small things?...

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    • How to get my beagle to not kill all small things?

      How to get my beagle to not kill all small things? Dog Breed Discussions
      Just recently our family got a puppy beagle, and my cousin's family got a pomeranian recently of about the same age (7 weeks and ours is 9w). Our cousin lives close by and loves to bring the tiny walking fluff over, but our beagle actually attacks it. It usually comes back looking traumatized, and often our beagle drags it by its ear and shakes it around violently... Can we get our beagle to get used to other small dogs, rather than trying to, er, eat it?

      How to get my beagle to not kill all small things?

      How to get my beagle to not kill all small things? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Get your puppy enrolled in a puppy preschool or playgroup supervised by a good trainer. They will help to teach your puppy appropriate doggy social skills and also get him started out on the right foot with all-around socialization and obedience.

    • Bring your puppy to obedience classes. How old was your dog when you took him from the litter? Beagles have a high prey drive. The key is socialization. Try introducing the dogs in a neutral area instead of on is home.

    • You get a breed of dog that is meant for hunting and chasing prey and then want to stop it from doing what it has been bred to do? This is why researching a breed and its history is so important.I realise that attacking your cousin's dog is not very good for family relations so get your dog to puppy classes ASAP. It will need lots of socialising and a very firm hand to try and curb these behaviours.

    • beagles are hunting dogs and yours may have a high prey drive, which means small fluffy things and quick moving things are on the dinner menu.The best way to stop it is while he is still young. You could try a muzzle so he can not nip, but to stop it completely it will take training. If you dog ever does stalking (this is when they focus on something and walk slowly towards it while not talking their eyes of it, a bit like a sheep dog) this is stalking and occurs just before attacking. Learn the signs and stop it when ever you see this. Say no loudly, give treats when it stops. You can also have either a water spray bottle and give him a squirt in the face if he is playing too rough or a container full of metal rattley objects and give it a loud shake or throw it on the floor (not the dog). when playing nicely you can also say good boy and give both dogs treats. If he still plays roughly, you could try to keep yours on the leash to help control it. Your puppy is old enough to go to puppy school for socialization, often when they play with larger puppies they learn a few manners.

    • until your dog is brought under control(which may be never), DO NOT ALLOW IT TO BE NEAR THAT LITTLE DOG!are you insane? you should have separated them the first time, yet you have stories(more than one) of how your dog leaves the other "traumatized". Shame on you! and your friend actually continues to bring this dog over??? what, are they waiting for a dead dog?please, get help.

    • Your beagle's behavior could leave the Pomeranian paralyzed or dead. Don't leave them alone together. Always keep them leashed and under your control. See to it that nothing bad happens to your cousin's dog. It could well be that your beagle is only playing but he is too rough for the Pom. Beagles are used in hunting, in which they are supposed to chase down small game, such as rabbits. It sounds like you beagle has the proper instincts for his breed but this is definitely bad news for the Pom.

    • Try puppy classes. One of the things that puppies learn from their moms is how to behave as a pack. Is it possible your puppy left it's mom too early?Also when they come to visit put your dog on it's leash. Reprimand him when he's naughty and praise him when he's good.Otherwise he's just seeing this thing as a "toy" and not a friend