My Beagle has a definite hound smell. Is there anyway to tame it without constant baths?

My beagle seems to have a very oily smell that is constant. If we give him a bath it is back within a few days. Is there some way to reduce the odor? Do those bath wipes really work?

    My Beagle has a definite hound smell. Is there anyway to tame it without constant baths?

    My beagle seems to have a very oily smell that is constant. If we give him a bath it is back within a few days. Is there some way to reduce the odor? Do those bath wipes really work?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My Beagle has a definite hound smell. Is there anyway to tame it without constant baths?...

    • My Beagle has a definite hound smell. Is there anyway to tame it without constant baths?

      My Beagle has a definite hound smell. Is there anyway to tame it without constant baths? Dog Breed Discussions
      My beagle seems to have a very oily smell that is constant. If we give him a bath it is back within a few days. Is there some way to reduce the odor? Do those bath wipes really work?

      My Beagle has a definite hound smell. Is there anyway to tame it without constant baths?

      My Beagle has a definite hound smell. Is there anyway to tame it without constant baths? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Although there definitely is said to be a 'hound smell' (personally I love it lol), much of it comes from their feed (oh and ears!). I suggest that you try switching his feed (gradually) to see if this improves things. Baby wipes don't work, and constant bathing doesn't help either and can do more harm than good in terms of drying out the coat too much. Actually hounds should smell sweet provided they are regularly groomed, and properly kept and fed.

    • Dogs have 2 anal glands which they use to mark their territory. That what gives dogs their dog smell. Groomers drain those glands when they bathe the dog.Here's a DIY video if you want to attempt it.

    • Beagles and dachshunds are usually the only two hounds that don't have an odor - odd that your beagle does.Try feeding him good dry kibble like Canidae Chicken and Rice - no corn meal kibble - it makes a big difference in the dog's general health, and especially coat and skin. Worked with two of my dogs who had skin and coat problems.Too many baths dry out his skin even more, and the wipes are just temporary - odor usually comes from within.Another problem could be his teeth or gums - has he had a dental? Does he need one? Ask your vet. If your dog has tartar build up on his teeth or any gum problems, that causes terrible odor.

    • I have an adult female beagle. She has been on corn-free food since the day I got her and she has zero odor. Corn is an allergen for dogs; take your dog off of it and the smell will disappear soon. Try Blue Buffalo, Veterinarian's Formula, Natural Advantage, Eagle Pack. Read the labels to be sure; some of these have corn, but majority do not. ALL grocery store and vet office foods have corn. You cannot buy any of those names I mentioned at a grocery store, and not at a vet's office either as far as I know. You can go to Blue Buffalo web site for a $5 off coupon. That's what my beagle is eating right now and she loves it. Usually licks her bowl clean

    • I have a Beagle too,he also has a smell.He just had a vet visit and they ran all the test and what not,and he is fine.The vet also did the anal gland cleaning.He has been bathed,he eats Blue Buffalo and he still smells.He does need a dental cleaning so maybe that is why.I really do not know but he does smell:)