How do I get my 8 week old beagle to stop biting?

My 8 week old beagle is teething and going through the playful puppy stage. I have read reviews and websites about this issue and have told him ow when he bites and it's starting to work but he keeps doing it. Just wondering from other beagle owners…

    How do I get my 8 week old beagle to stop biting?

    My 8 week old beagle is teething and going through the playful puppy stage. I have read reviews and websites about this issue and have told him ow when he bites and it's starting to work but he keeps doing it. Just wondering from other beagle owners…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I get my 8 week old beagle to stop biting?...

    • How do I get my 8 week old beagle to stop biting?

      How do I get my 8 week old beagle to stop biting? Dog Breed Discussions
      My 8 week old beagle is teething and going through the playful puppy stage. I have read reviews and websites about this issue and have told him ow when he bites and it's starting to work but he keeps doing it. Just wondering from other beagle owners experience what they have done to stop this occurring?

      How do I get my 8 week old beagle to stop biting?

      How do I get my 8 week old beagle to stop biting? Dog Breed Discussions
    • As a previous Beagle breeder, my best solution is chew toyswhen the dog starts to bite at things give him a chew toy. it will help the animal learn that if he wants to bite he mush bite his chew toy and not you or anything in the house.

    • Get toys that he really likes and play with him only if you have a toy for him to bite. If he bites you and saying ow makes him stop that is great. If ow doesn't make him stop then stop playing with him and ignore him for a second. If he keeps nipping your ankles while you try to ignore him then keep him on a leash attached to something while you play so that you can take a step back and he can't reach you.I really like puppy kongs filled with their kibble moistened with water and frozen. It is nice for them to have something cold to chew on when they are teething and because the food inside is frozen it will take them a while to get it out.Toys my dog likes: