How can hunters track animals with beagles and not have them keep tracking or run away?

My beagle got out a couple months ago, and since then I've been kind of OCD about watching her to prevent it from happening again. It's starting to wear on me and I'd like to enroll her in classes so she'll listen to me when she smells something, but I…

    How can hunters track animals with beagles and not have them keep tracking or run away?

    My beagle got out a couple months ago, and since then I've been kind of OCD about watching her to prevent it from happening again. It's starting to wear on me and I'd like to enroll her in classes so she'll listen to me when she smells something, but I…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can hunters track animals with beagles and not have them keep tracking or run away?...

    • How can hunters track animals with beagles and not have them keep tracking or run away?

      How can hunters track animals with beagles and not have them keep tracking or run away? Dog Breed Discussions
      My beagle got out a couple months ago, and since then I've been kind of OCD about watching her to prevent it from happening again. It's starting to wear on me and I'd like to enroll her in classes so she'll listen to me when she smells something, but I don't know if it will help. Does anyone know? Will a well disciplined beagle not follow a scent and actually listen to their owners? Haha.

      How can hunters track animals with beagles and not have them keep tracking or run away?

      How can hunters track animals with beagles and not have them keep tracking or run away? Dog Breed Discussions
    • lol beagles seemed to have been ranked very low in intelligence (although it might just be because theyre stubborn!!)i used to have a beagle/husky mix...boy what a toughie..the beagle part wanted to follow every scent and the husky part was strong and clever enough to get free and do it.any class will help strengthen the bond between owner+dog though..which will make them listen to you better..or at least try;)

    • They are sent hounds.Training will most likely not help, a large fenced-in yard will do. They are programmed to go off at any sent that they find unusual or interesting. :)

    • My mix has ALOT of beagle in him and I have him in school and he's great til the NOSE starts. Then it's like he's in another world. It's very hard to get him to listen when he has a scent going. Then when he does hear me, he thinks it's a game when I call him and he wants me to chase him. It's cute but dangerous and that's why I'm getting a really BIG fence next week.

    • beagles are generally bred to chase and flush rabbits. Rabbits don't run very far before going to ground, if they can. Your housecat goes out and kills songbirds -- beagles go out to chase rabbits. They both come home when they get tired, or bored.

    • A beagle is a hunting breed. When you use one for rabbit hunting, the dog is trained to follow the scent of the rabbit. Just like some dogs are trained to find drugs and explosives. Any dog will benifit from training. By training the dog to be responsive to you it will be less likely to take off. However dogs will be dogs, so if they are off lead you must still keep an I on your dog.

    • they are one of the train able breed out there. I had an uncle that bred and trained many types of hunting dogs including beagles and he did train some just as pets so find a good trainer.

    • From the breed standard as shown at"The hounds must all work gaily and cheerfully, with flags up--obeying all commands cheerfully. They should be broken to heel up, kennel up, follow promptly and stand. Cringing, sulking, lying down is to be avoided"So if you want to do any good at a trial with them, they had better come when called. That said, be forewarned Rome was defiantly not built in a day.The problem is that anytime a hound lowers it's head their brains all run out their nose. So we use what is called a starter pen to keep them out of trouble. A good starter pen should be a 1/2 to 1 acre fenced in aria which isn't possible for a lot of people, so you will probably have to improvise. Like with any other dog, recall needs to be taught having the dog on a long lead (20-50 foot rope) so that the command can be enforced. (Who said that retractable leads don't serve a purpose) I train using a whistle (trill) for recall because in real life a pack of hounds gets way to loud to hear a voice after they have opened on a sent trail.