How can I reunite my german shepherd and beagle after they fight a month ago?

We tried to reunite them today and it kinda worked but we separate them by using a fence and put the beagle in it where the GSD wont get her. The shepherd is 9 months and the beagle is a year and a half

    How can I reunite my german shepherd and beagle after they fight a month ago?

    We tried to reunite them today and it kinda worked but we separate them by using a fence and put the beagle in it where the GSD wont get her. The shepherd is 9 months and the beagle is a year and a half...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I reunite my german shepherd and beagle after they fight a month ago?...

    • How can I reunite my german shepherd and beagle after they fight a month ago?

      How can I reunite my german shepherd and beagle after they fight a month ago? Dog Breed Discussions
      We tried to reunite them today and it kinda worked but we separate them by using a fence and put the beagle in it where the GSD wont get her. The shepherd is 9 months and the beagle is a year and a half

      How can I reunite my german shepherd and beagle after they fight a month ago?

      How can I reunite my german shepherd and beagle after they fight a month ago? Dog Breed Discussions
    • take them to the park to playtired dogs don't fight, no bones, no treats, no food around each other till they acept each other, there might be some growing and snarling and a skirmish but they need to determine who is dominate.keep an eye on things, be ready to intervene if things get serious, and don't severely punish the winner and don't reward the looser. You need to treat the dominate dog as the dominate one, food and attention first theres a ton of articles online, about having two dogs that fight

    • Just keep doing what you are doing. Keep introducing them through the fence and once they begin to lose interest of each other, introduce them on leashes on neutral territory. If that goes fine, walk them together home. If one happens to try to dominate the other dog, it's your job to stop the dog. This will show the dogs that you will not tolerate any aggression. Some common mistakes people make is they feed the dogs together and leave toys around. These items trigger the pack drive in dogs.