Why does my 6yo old beagle pick up a toy & start running around the house moaning?

He started doing this after we gave up our other beagle (Sadie) for adoption (she tried to bite our 6-week old son). He seems very distressed and not comforted by my petting him. At first I thought he did this because he was looking for Sadie and was…

    Why does my 6yo old beagle pick up a toy & start running around the house moaning?

    He started doing this after we gave up our other beagle (Sadie) for adoption (she tried to bite our 6-week old son). He seems very distressed and not comforted by my petting him. At first I thought he did this because he was looking for Sadie and was…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Why does my 6yo old beagle pick up a toy & start running around the house moaning?...

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    • Why does my 6yo old beagle pick up a toy & start running around the house moaning?

      Why does my 6yo old beagle pick up a toy & start running around the house moaning? Dog Breed Discussions
      He started doing this after we gave up our other beagle (Sadie) for adoption (she tried to bite our 6-week old son). He seems very distressed and not comforted by my petting him. At first I thought he did this because he was looking for Sadie and was sad...but it is a year later and he still does this occasionally (maybe once a month or so). Any thoughts or insight on common beagle behavior?

      Why does my 6yo old beagle pick up a toy & start running around the house moaning?

      Why does my 6yo old beagle pick up a toy & start running around the house moaning? Dog Breed Discussions
    • she wants to play with the toy and did your son get around the dog with the toy that means the dog thought the little boy was takeing the toy away from her