How to make a cat and a beagle get along?

Hey i just got a beagle named charlie. and I already have 2 older female cats. Anytime charlie and mittens (one of my cats) are near each other charlie barks and mittens hisses at him. Any ideas about making them friends???

    How to make a cat and a beagle get along?

    Hey i just got a beagle named charlie. and I already have 2 older female cats. Anytime charlie and mittens (one of my cats) are near each other charlie barks and mittens hisses at him. Any ideas about making them friends???...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to make a cat and a beagle get along?...

    • How to make a cat and a beagle get along?

      How to make a cat and a beagle get along? Dog Breed Discussions
      Hey i just got a beagle named charlie. and I already have 2 older female cats. Anytime charlie and mittens (one of my cats) are near each other charlie barks and mittens hisses at him. Any ideas about making them friends???

      How to make a cat and a beagle get along?

      How to make a cat and a beagle get along? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I have a 6 year old sassy as can be calico cat. When we got a baby beagle from the flea market the first thing Lena did was attack the poor thing!! After some time my cat got used to my beagle and they where fine! No need to worry, just give it time. P.S. I gave my Beagle away she was so bad!!!! For a heads up, a Beagle might not be the best dog!